It is a good job that the doctors send text reminders for appointments, otherwise I might miss them. Going today to discuss this fatigue that I feel on a daily basis. It is much more than the normal tiredness, everyday seem such a struggle at the moment. I have felt this lack of get up and go since I had the bout of cellulitus that floored me for a month last year
doctors this afternoon: It is a good job that... - Pain Concern
doctors this afternoon

ha ha I am an idiot. Got to the doctors only to see it was closed. Checked my text alert, my appointment is tomorrow
Does this fit? Should mention this to Dr. if
Check out 'Low Thyroid' (Hypothyroidism)
Also B12 Deficiency or both together.
(Hypothyroidism and B12 Deficiency mimic each other.)
Also check your Ferritin (stored iron) and iron blood levels.
Doctor is giving me a full mot. Checking my blood for everything. Did a checklist on tiredness/fatigue ? Scored points on how I answered this must point to something. Took blood pressure and listened to blood flow. Also listened to heart and lungs. To return next Thursday to discuss results
Hugs Liz
Most Members of Thyroid UK and PAS (for B12 Deficiency patients) on here Health Unlocked now regularly ask for a printout of their blood results and the blood ranges and pop them up on both TUK and PAS for other members to help them forward.
I now have learnt, (along with many other members,) how to read my own bloods and know if anything is wrong. (it is not rocket science,)
Doctors are well known for NOT acknowledging grey (within range) areas of blood results, leaving many patients with 'presenting symptoms' high and dry with no help forward on how to cure themselves.
These patients often get told it is their job, old age or all in their head and can get pushed onto depression pills, (funny how they are always in a hurry to check our cholesterol levels and shove us all on the dangerous statins.)
Several members of my own family have been told they are fine/Ok/nothing wrong with them, (some of their their bloods were in the grey areas,) yet they all had presenting symptoms. doctors offered no help.
Thanks to members on both Thyroid Uk and the PAS forums on here, HU, we have helped to get my family members well again.
On these same forum sites, I read many similar stories like ours daily of patients left to their own devices.
It could be combination of Fibro fatigue and side effects of medications . Good thing having checked . Ask doc to do blood work , could be anemic or low on other things . Be your own advocate!