I have just been informed by the NHS Hospital in Harrogate that I will have to wait 6 months to have my replacement hip operation.I don't know how I will last that long as the pain is unbearable now.Any suggestions how to speed things up?
6 months waiting list for my hip surgery in ... - Pain Concern
6 months waiting list for my hip surgery in Harrogate and I'm in agony now!!
I have total sympathy as I have hip problems and my left hip needs replacing. Its very painful. I was born with dislocated hips and that one has started playing up for the last few years. Can you request to get some crutches to use to take the pressure off whilst walking at least?
Thank you so much I will be going to my doctor and will ask.
Dear Toffee123. You don't have to wait 6 months. Ring Round other hospitals to dind out their waiting-list times. You are entitled to be referred by your GP to another hospital, where waiting-times may be shorter.
Thank you so much I will speak to my doctor .
I have done that but it means starting all over again making an appointment with a specialist taking ex rays etc and then another waiting game which could take longer than my original appointment.I did go to see the GP (who was not my normal GP) was no help at all said I was to ring around he wouldn't do it and I have to say I have been years and years with this practice and it was the worst consultation that I have ever had.My normal GP would have helped but I can't get an appointment with her for at least another month. I will keep trying Many many thanks for your help .
Hi. I'm not surprised the GP didn't ring round. I really have come to the conclusion that, if you're not proactive these days, nothing's going to happen. Thanks for letting me know. Hope it all works out for you.
Dear toffee123, phone the hospitals first for their waiting lists. Then you can tell your GP where you want to go. The GP won't know how long the different waiting-lists are.
Hi The surgeon has told me that it will be six months.In 2015 I sold my house because I required a bungalow (getting on a bit now) I then started with the pain in my groin etc. I should have had surgery around April 2015 but had to cancel as I was living with my daughter while my bungalow was being extended etc.My daughter rescues dogs and has about 7-10 dogs at a time there was no way I could have had surgery whilst living with her because they would have been a hazard. I am now in my bungalow and more than ready for this operation.The surgeon did not take this into consideration at all.I will call his secretary and ask what date I am booked in for .Thanks once again.
No problem. I wouldn't worry about what the surgeon said. Hospitals vary in their waiting-lists. Hopefully, if you tell the Secretary how much in pain you are, you may be moved forward on the list. Also, very important if you don't want to go to another hospital, ask the Secretary if you can be put on the cancellation list. It does mean that you might have to go into hospital from one day to another. But, if you're prepared to do this, it can be a good way of speeding up your operation. All the best.
Suggest you speak to PALS at the hospital. They can speak on your behalf and hopefully get you higher up the waiting list.
I am going to call them on Monday many thanks for your help much appreciated.
I am not surprised. Harrogate is going down the pan in more ways than one. I also have hip problems but nothing happening because I am too young at 70. Are you under Mr. Conroy?? My Husband is (SHATTERED HIP) but due to lack of a blood supply detected (after a stroke 10 years ago) he cannot have this done. SO they have done a phemeral artery bi-pass (Mr. Brooks at York) to increase supply and, hopefully, cure or at least improve, this problem. The op. went belly up when he was sent back to Harrogate to 'recouperate' and in my intervention and with the help of a department in HGH that he went to every week for treatment, he was sent back to York and had to have the whole procedure re-done because he got infected at Harrogate and there was a nora virus bug at the time so no-one was allowed in or out to treat patients properly. Total mess.
7 weeks on, he is still in York and will remain there until I ,I, I, I, I, decide WHEN he is fit enough to come home. Even when he does, he will need extra care and support as he is partially paralysed. IF this second op. proves a reasonable success, he MAY have the chance to have a hip replacement which is what he went to see about in the first place! What a palaver !!! I say MAY because the way things are going, I am almost certain he will have to wait 6 years, not 6 months.
I do hope you get on with life in the meantime. It is most distressing how the NHS in general is in a total mess. On a different note, My Father, who was Head of Physio. at the Royal Baths in Harrogate (parliament Street) from 1946 until his retirement in 1960 said that the introduction of the health service would be the "death of the country" I do not think it goes quite that far but it is certainly overloaded. Too many people to deal with and we are expected to accept even more! May be he was right after all!! Good luck to you. I SHOUT and have done so this time. As a result, I have GOT a result. Not ideal but it is a start !! Get someone to shout with you too. Do not try to battle the NHS alone. .................. HC
I have a rotator cuff tear I was seen in November when they said was 3 months However I am due to have.My surgery 8th April which is a Saturday The wait will be 5 months Unless you can get them to put you higher up the waiting list you could wait longer than 6
Other surgery I.have had has had much shorter waiting lists My situation I have not been particularly stressed by the delay but your situation seems to be much.more urgent I remember my Dad was waiting on cataract surgery My.Mother had a lot of health problems They relied on.my Dad being able to drive My Sister wrote to the Hospital/Consultant explaining the situation and he had the surgery 4 weeks later Sadly my Mum.died about 5 weeks after he had his second eye done She died very suddenly and my Dad had a heart attacks They were 76 and 78 Good luck What the others have.said might be worth investigating I too live in.Harrogate
Oh so sorry about your dad and mum life can be very cruel at times I do hope that you are coping alright.I will write to my surgeon because I saw his new registrar and he didn't know anything about me. Many thanks for taking time to reply it is very much appreciated regards Jean

I would definitely do that You have deferred your surgery due to circumstances and I hope the surgeon will look.favourably Good luck
Thanks Susan for your post. I have one of those too in my shoulder!! What a pair! Good luck for April (Harrogate Hospital?). HC
Yes Harrogate District Hospital I am impressed at the moment I attended at 8 am on Thursday am to see the Physiotherapist 2 others who are having the same procedure The physiotherapist went over the anatomy of the shoulder had a screen where she went over the surgery and went over post operative care We were even instructed as to how to wash My arm will be in a sling and it was explained how important to protect the shoulder I have got Physio appts for several weeks until end of May including Hydrotherapy To date I am impressed but time will tell
Thanks for your good wishes
All the best to you Susan 1942
I have had my surgery 2 weeks ago and doing well with Physio
Unable to repair the tear as it was very ragged He did what is called debridement which gets rid of all the ragged ends He shaved a bit of bone and removed the very inflammed Bursa A ASD they call it I was very well looked after I am confident that with lots of Physio my shoulder pain will resolve but it is going to take 6 months or so
Hello, I'm very sorry for the pain you are living in..
Have you tried ice patches! For me are working wanderfully.
You should try also calling your Pm doctor and ask for a sooner appointment, explaining them in how much pain you are...
Take care.