I'm on the waiting list for acupuncture does... - Pain Concern
I'm on the waiting list for acupuncture does it work ?

Hi..rcwallace 21.. I had it 3 times my experience.. Felt like hooks twisting???but uncle worked on??can only try go in
Open mind..mind you I've a thing about needles so didn't like!!can ask what its for??I had mine all over joints all body for back..uncle knee only and been better xx
Back and neck. I have cerebral palsy so it's related to that.
Hello rcwalace21,
Yes it does work!
By sticking needles in certain places it kick starts the bodies natural pain killers. I had suffered for over 20 years with SI pain which had become unbearable about 12 miths ago. Refered to the physio she offered acupuncture. I had 3 of possible 4 - not needing the 4th. For the first time in years I am pain free.
David mu husband on the other hand had a serious spinal trauma together with disintegration of the spine.
He has acupuncure every 6 weeks to relieve tense muscles and yes it works for him too. It is often used in conjunction with other pain meds.Go with an open mind but believe that it will work!
Good Luck
Pat x
In the early days of acupuncture in the UK - vets trained NHS staff. Reason being that Vets had used it only animals and very successfully. Animals can't say if they fel better or worse but the results and Xrays spoke volumes.
If you are having the needles in your back you can't see tem or feel them.
Pat x
NHS physios perform acupuncture. They insert the needles ( very fine, individually sealed before opening, painless ) into areas where you hurt. This is not traditional acupuncture, which was developed in China god knows how long ago. This type inserts needles along energy pathways opening up channels to send pain on its way. It takes years of training. Which worked best for me? The Physio sticking it where it hurt after probably doing a two session training course!
It's worked for me. Had acupuncture several times now for different pain problems. It doesn't get rid of the pain entirely but I've found it reduced the pain while I was being treated. Hope it helps you.
Give it a go. If it wortks then that's great. If not, you may hneed a different type.
I had accupuncture with electric current - needles were inserted in pairs accross my spine with electodes added. Each pair was calibrated seperately. The effect was like a tens machine, not unpleasant. I had 6 weeks of this and it gave me 3 monthsctotal pain fee.
I also tried Chinese. Thisc involved hundreds of needles all over my body to help everything that was wrong with me. I was wrapped in a blanket with an infra red lamp over me. Then the needles were cupped on being removed. This brought to blood to the needle points to aid healing. Then I got a deep body massage which I can only describe as being pummelled. I had one session and was offered a course for 6 weeks. The journey was 1.5 hours each waynand too juch of a commitment to make at the time. This gave me a couple days pain free. It's the only therapy I have had where my body has felt symetrical after.
Had it a few years ago when I went private only had it the once afterwards it felt good where the pain was lower back as others have said keep a open mind and don't worry.
ok- thanks good to know!