Also is there "really" no cure , I am going into my 3rd month & doesn't seem to be getting better or going away , does this indicate that I am stuck with it and therefore will never be pain free again & always dosed up on Co Codamol & feeling nauseous, ... I am seeing a Physio tomorrow, what is it that they actually do ? sorry, but I am just fed up of constant pain, it wears you down after a while......
Hip Bursitis and sciatica do they go hand in ... - Pain Concern
Hip Bursitis and sciatica do they go hand in hand and are the treatments and physio for these, similar for each ailment ?

The Bursitis could be trapping the sciatic nerve
Regards not getting better. The only person that will say yes or no is the Specialist, the Bursitis could cause damage to the joint therefore it would last and not recover
Have words with GP, he will have Xrays and any other test results. If no medical results ask for a referral

Hi Bob and Thank you, you mentioned I should ask for a referral if no results , to see who ? do you mean a specialist in this field?
Have words with your GP, He will possibly refer you to a rhumatology Clinic in hospital.
Yes a Specialists
Hey Bob thought I`d up date you, according to the Physio I don't have bursitis, she is saying mine is lower lumbar problem and sciatica , I have been given thorough physical tests.
I do have a set of exercises to do twice daily until my next appointment in 2 weeks, still on the meds though, thank you for your advice and help all the best.
Hi Cazzz, sounds like you're having a really bad time of it and when it comes to managing pain, it really can wear you down.
I would really recommend you attend the physio. It can be very useful in terms of helping you to understand your body a bit better, and showing you techniques and movements that can help to both ease and sometimes completely alleviate the pain for long periods of time. My physio even got me walking in a slightly different way - something I followed up on by attending Alexander Technique sessions.
Not sure about others on this forum but have realised from talking to a few people at the pain management clinic, not everyone feels they benefit from the physio as they felt like it was just 'tinkering around the edges of their pain and discomfort'. After all my physio sessions, I felt worse for a couple of days before starting to feel much better. I also have to continue to do the exercises at home and some exercises any and everywhere, everyday!
Our legs do hold most of us up but the most important area of the body for movement is the hips and when that goes out of whack, it impacts considerably on your whole body as the spine with all it's nerve endings, also ends in the hip area. If a nerve is trapped (very painful), the physio may help to release it.
Keep an open mind, take your pain meds and have your physio, if things don't improve, definitely go back to your GP.
Wishing you a great physio session. Do let us know how you get on.
Stay Positive, Stay Strong
Reykua thank you for advice, Physio went well , had a thorough physical tests and examinations and not rushed which was nice as it felt like I was finally being taken seriously at last. Turns out the Physio doesn't suspect Bursitis, they are saying its lower lumbar with sciatica damage , so I have been given a set of exercises to do twice a day and have my next app in 2 weeks time
So lovely to hear from you Cazz and Well done for attending, I'm so glad you had a good physio session - they are definitely worth the money we pay for them through the NHS.
Very Interesting hypothesis about the lower lumber and sciatica damage - definitely worth following up with your GP at your next appointment.
Do your best to stick to the exercises - that way, you can give accurate feedback on what worked well and what you didn't find useful. You may feel some discomfort over the next couple of days but by day three, you should start to feel stronger and more mobile..
I look forward to hearing from you about how you're getting on and try not to let any set backs get you down but if they do, just rant - thank goodness we have this forum. Remember, only do what you've been instructed to do, I made the mistake of overdoing things and set myself back.
Have a really good day.
Stay Positive, Stay Strong.
Hi I have suffered with excruciating pain from bursitis in both hips for many years now, I have given up hope of ever getting any relief from my dreadful back pain but was holding out hope that they would be able to reduce the bursitis pain enough for me to walk again but it appears I was holding out false hope.i have every had treatment available including very painful steroid injections.Although these eased the pain for a few weeks, it is just as bad now, if not worse than ever.I wish you luck with your search for relief but I fear you will not find the relief you so desperately need.But don't give up hope, you may be lucky.....Good luck.
Hi, physio is definitely worth trying, especially if you get a good one. Personally I doubt the bursitis and sciatica are linked as the sciatica may be coming from your back. You need an MRI scan to see what is going on there. With regards to the bursitis, I have had many steroid injections, which for me relieve the pain for a couple of months and although that doesn't sound long, it certainly gives you a bit of respite. I also tried pilates, which the hip surgeon recommended. He told me there is no cure and that the operation to remove the bursa does not have good outcomes. Some on here have said they've had the bursa removed only for it to grow back. If your meds are not helping and causing nausea perhaps your GP could recommend a different type, e.g. anti inflammatory, capsaicin cream, etc. Although you need a good GP too! Good luck and keep us updated.
Hi Sharelle, thanks for your advice, I did go to the Physio she was very thorough in her examinations and tests , she also doesn't think I have Bursitis but thinks mine is more lower lumbar /Sciatica , I have been given exercises to do on a daily basis and have been boked in to return in 2 weeks time in thr mean time my Xray will be viewed etc. Hope your doing ok and take care
I get hip bursitis, but really no amount of codeine type painkillers is going to deal with it if its an inflammatory problem. Mine definitely responds well to NSAIDs. I can't take the pills any more, but voltaren gel used regularly several times a day seems to relieve it quite well.
Thank you earth witch
Cazzz, I know it's been 3 years but I have hope that you might still reply to this. Did your pain ever go away or did they find out exactly what it was??? I was recently diagnosed with bursitis in my hips with ultrasound, but we have been searching for answers for almost a year now and my Specialists think there's more going on. My MRI came back clean, I've had an SI injection and also two epidurals with steroids. They did not help at all. Oh I also did five months of physical therapy and that did not help either! Any advice from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks!