Bare with me as this might take a while to explain but I really need some advice...
Im 22 years old and I've been in pain for as long as I can remember. It started with being severely pigeon toed even when I just started walking - my mum would continuously take me to the doctors to be told that I would grow out of it.
Well... I didn't.
I've been going to the doctors for as long as I can remember with pain and difficulty completing everyday tasks (i.e. Getting out of bed, sitting for any period of time long than a few moments, doing any type of sports or standing for any period of time)
When I was 16 I started going to the doctor about issues with my kneecap moving more than usual and pain in my hamstrings and calf muscles.
They sent me to the physio without conducting a single other test. I completed physio and had to stop because the muscles of my thigh went into spasm and cause my leg to lock straight and be agony to walk on leaving me with crutches for 6 months.
After that the doctor did an X-ray of my knee joint and upon seeing there was "nothing visibly wrong" (I.e no breaks or fractures) told me their was nothing they could do and that I would probably just grow out of it.
I continued being in pain for another 4 years with physio not helping for another two. Then when I started going to uni I noticed a stiffness in my back and reluctance in my muscles to comply...
id just like to note at this point that I used to attempt as much exercise in the gym as I could manage when not in pain and eat and have taken and continue to take gulcoseimate and various other supplements.
Anyway, this stiffness made it impossible to get out of bed and my boyfriend would have to lift me out. This very much affected my studies and general life. I was in pain almost 24/7 and it got to the point where I rang the 111 service to ask for advice. They told me to take ibuprofen and book in with my gp. (Which is probably the only decent advice I've ever recieved)
I went to the doctors soon after and I want to note that this doctor is possibly the only one I've ever had who has actually felt like they even believe me in the first place.
He sent me to an oerthapeodic (excuse spelling here) specialist.
At this appointment the specialist did some basic manipulations of the joint of my knee and told me that he couldn't see the problem. For the rest of the appointment and substiquent appointments since then he has treated me like he doesn't believe a word I'm saying and that he just wants to get me off of his hands.
He gave me an MRI of my knees - which was the only thing I could persuade him to do. Really I know the problem stems from my hips, even the physio said this and I've told him repeatedly but he won't listen.
Almost straight after he booked in the MRI he told me he doesn't know that there is anything he can do to help me. But I've been left feeling like no body wants to help or thinks it's even worth trying. It is because of this that I'm now suffering from pretty severe depression.
I need any form of advice. How do I get doctors to listen to me?
I've been dealing with this all my life and I've always been told to suck it up but it's becoming debilitating and I'm frankly fed up.