Oh my gosh...has any one ever been physio..ha... - Pain Concern

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Oh my gosh...has any one ever been physio..had hips but level and ended up in lots of pain...

louiseamos profile image
8 Replies

If any ones read rest my mails..truned down my 2 and operation..went physio Friday one hip higher then other also told my spine in a s shape...feel I'll with pain today...middle of my back gives off shooting pains and feels like its joliting?? If understand... I am so scared... feel drained with pain .my hips at

e 50 times more sore..is this normal..I've said for last year something's wrong with my bones...no one has giving me one answer..feel like going to bed..but can't..got kids..frightening. advice

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8 Replies
earthwitch profile image

Check out the criteria for "inflammatory back pain" from here: nass.co.uk/about-as/getting... If you tick all the boxes, then go back to your GP and tell them, and ask to be referred for assessment to a rheumatologist. If you don't tick the boxes for inflammatory back pain, ask to be referred to an orthopaedic surgeon to find out what is going on with your back. In the meantime, avoid physio - if you or they don't know what is going on in your spine, then they could do far more damage than good. You might want to use that as an argument for your GP - say that you suffered so badly from the physio (and give them a really graphic description) that you don't want to go back until you know what is going on with your spine, and for that you would need a specialist assessment.

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to earthwitch

Thanks earth witch..I am scarred stiff..can't get a appment with my gpfor 2 week..iI've been to one them rematoligist few month ago..he pressed on a few points..head etc..took my blood that was fine..and end of that..feel I've been let down..you knew right though my 20 so had middle back pain..that physio has hurt me...xxthanks

pinknosedcat profile image

Hi, You sound exactly like I was when i first got ill except my pain is abdominal. I used to think I was dying, my abdomen felt like it was going to explode (quite literally) and the array of pain related sensations were outrageous. I could feel little exploding pricks, i had severe burning sensations, i had stabbing knife like pains, and my abdominal muscles were stuck in a ridiculous feed back loop where they just kept going round oin circles of spasm...very painfull...and you could literally see it, it looked like worms wriggling under my skin...it wasn't worms but it looked disgusting and very frightening...even GP's i saw had no experience and ahd never seen anything like it before, so...just telling you all this cos i was so scared. That was nearly 20 years ago, and i know that's a long time to be in pain, but my point is that my own panic reactions just made it worse at the time. I still get the very occasional painc attack but I can stop them very quickly now. I really do understand how scared you must be feeling but after a year of investigation, if they have done their jobs right the pain will not kill you. Unfortunately it is possible to be in extreme pain for no apparent good reason, or rather a disproportionately severe amount of pain considering the initial injury. I really recomend you try some mindfulness relaxation techniques to help bring your stress levels down. Stress = higher pain perceptoin. Also has you GP suggested a pain clinic yet? if not ask them to refer you. there are lots of things you can do to help reduce your pain levels without or in combination with any meds. It just depends how bad it is once you eliminate the stress response. We are here all the time so don't feel you can't shout and scream when you need to. Good luck. Heather x

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to pinknosedcat

Hi pinknosedcat.. thank you for your understanding..went pain clinic just before I had my last scan..he said pain in back..lower..coming from same pain had after my first op..few month later I knew I wasn't mad..my MRI showed bust disc..its this new thing physio told me..no ones ever told my my spine is a s shape..and my hips are lob sided..I've saw 5 different back spec list from spine care before 2011.. no one said nothing of this..or doctors..I thought it was with carry ring kids on my hip.when were babies??? Haven't had a full back scan..ever though all this..woke this morning in lot pain xx thanks need to look in to stuff

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to pinknosedcat

PS pinknosedcat..so sorry to hear you felt like that too.your right the more you stress the worse things feel..I need to chill..its hard to trust doctors..they don't knew any of this yet..I think in my 20 so..when had pain in upper back though to chest..that was it all starting then,,my upper back is a dull ace like stress pain in shoulders if knew what mean x

teadrinker profile image

I have a spine that curves slightly in the wrong way, and it's been suggested that my hips are at odds with each other. Medics seem to get excited about these things. Try not to worry. The way that your spine is might be an explanation for your pain if your posture has been all pulled out.

I often hurt after physio or similar treatments because bits that haven't worked properly for a while have had a good workout. Take your usual pain medication regularly. You need to tell the physio about the worse pain, either at your next visit or possibly phone them and ask for advice.

I have children too, it is really hard because you have to keep going. (An easy tea and some TV kept me sane when they were really small, and they seem none the worse for it).

louiseamos profile image
louiseamos in reply to teadrinker

Thanks tea drinker..you knew I breathed a sign of thank god..don't have to have that operation..dreading it ..then told to go physio for my arthritis... he ended up lineing up my hips..sore..and told me all that..its not my right its my left and its gone in and s shape...what....??? Can't see my gp for weeks..confused.. they all tell me to do one thing at time..don't do too much..when got kids you knew full speed ahead...I do now don't fight on to much..make easy meals..husband does most shopping..so can this spine thing pass on to my kids..he said could of been born with it..my brother had something wrong when was born with he's hips..my oldest complains of bad backs....but sits on PlayStation??? Had to wear my wrist brases.today I am falling to bits!!!!! Xxxx

teadrinker profile image

You've got to try not to think about the passing-it-on-to-the-kids thing or you will worry yourself silly. Scoliosis and spinal problems run in my family but no one predicted I'd have it, and even if it had been picked up when I was young I doubt they would have operated as it's relatively minor. I've been on a real downer recently, worrying about other things that might possibly be passed on to my children, but there's no point thinking like that. I have more than likely inherited my parents' migraines but I don't blame them for it at all, and there's nothing to say that my own children would blame me for any genetic problem they might end up with (at least, once they're past the teenage years!) I also think that if they do end up with something like chronic pain at least I will know what they're going through better than most people.

Write down the questions and worries you have and take them to your next appointment.

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