Hi all its been a while just to bringing u up to date because of the crps I have had my left arm amputated and now I have lost both off feet that's above the ankles so I'm now in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. To u who have crps I would not recommend amputation why I had amputation it's because the crps was so bad I had no other choice but to have the operations
Crps: Hi all its been a while just to bringing... - Pain Concern

Missed you my old friend.
Sounds bad but glad you are still here with me. Been too quiet!
Bet you are whizzing around in your wheelchair - you always do so well.
Message if you want.
Sending warm sunshine hugs as always
Pat x
Hi pat it's been a while how are u and how is David hope it's nice and warm over there I'm sorry to tell u this I spent 4 weeks in a coma I tried to take my own life it's not easy but I'm trying to get back what life I had that was not much
Oh Peter I am so sad to hear that. After all we have been through together. Why didn't you shout for me? Will always lend a shoulder or ear.
Life is gentle and kind to us - mostly. Sun has been a bit shy in coming out for a few weeks but warm in the meantime.
Message me anytime - missed you
Sorry pat I just got to a point in my life were nothing was good happening but now what I went through and came out the other side I'm thinking a lot more clear and taking a step at a time. I am happy for u and David it must be a better place were u are now give my best to david
Hi yogibe, well i take my hat off to you, you are so strong and should be so proud uve done what uve done, i have pain everyday too not as bad as yours but to the point it makes me cry without painrelif and hotwater bottles x keep your chin up your amazing x
Hi cookie16 I was on a lot of meds and most of them did not help with the pain since the amputations I'm still in paln but not as bad I still cry at night with the pain, I have cares come in twice a day but I get so lonely and most of the time I wish to end it, I am not so strong I don't sleep that much.
All I can say to u is never give up and keep going best wishes and thank u.
Oh my.... it puts me whinging about back pain into place.
I had never heard of crps until visiting this site. Your experience should give others hope strength.