So I've had negligence upon negligence and then some more...!
I originally fell down the stairs and broke my leg in 3 places.
They put 6 screws in my leg. One was in the wrong place (but could be argued with that it was acceptable) the other was slightly too long - confirmed by CT scan, and needed replacing as it was digging into a joint.
I was kept in a cast way too long.
I started developing CRPS whilst in the cast. Confirmed when cast was removed.
The real negligence started when they carried out the surgery to replace the bad screw.
I've heard the first rule is to never operate on someone until CRPS is under control. So my CRPS got worse and now I'm off to Oxford uni hospital to start the process for a spinal cord stimulator. Life changing.
I'm so angry at their negligence. My life has changed so much.
6 months ago I was a sporty, active always on the move kind of person. And now I have to be careful how much I buy at the supermarket because I know I'll struggle to carry it home... π No sport makes me sad. It's such an adjustment.
Has anyone else made a claim for CRPS or similar?
I'd love to hear your stories.