PIP ASSESSMENT QUERY : Hi I've to go for a face... - Pain Concern

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Mitzie-2016 profile image
26 Replies

Hi I've to go for a face to face assessment for PIP Claim has anyone had an assessment and if so what do I expect to be asked .

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Mitzie-2016 profile image
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26 Replies
Leonwp profile image

Best place to get the straight answer IMO is the govs own PIP site, they pretty much tell you what to expect, hopefully you kept a copy of the PIP application you sent in, most of what you will be asked will be clarification of what is on the form, plus you may be asked to stand and walk if you can or grip with your hands etc. Be as honest as you can, as well as listening to your answers these people have good observational skills.Very best of luck.

Karla777 profile image
Karla777 in reply to Leonwp

I had a home visit a couple of weeks ago and they ask you the same questions that are on the pip form that you have filled in. They ask you to walk, to pinch their thumb, to grab, to touch your feet with your hands and to lift your hands up. If these are too painful to do then please tell them that you can't do it because it's too painful. I hope this helps you because I was worried sick about what was going to happen at my interview. I'm still waiting for the dreaded brown envelope to arrive. good luck and dont worry xx

Pollyannna profile image
Pollyannna in reply to Karla777

Hi, I had a home assessment and she was really nice. I could hardly move at that point after my accident, and she filled in my form at the same time, however when I got my decision letter the assessor had said that I could do 7 out of the 10 activities, which was not what I said and she could obviously see that I couldn't, but she still told complete lies.

I was far too I'll at the time to appeal at the time so was only awarded the standard rate. A year later I have the reviews again and the same has happened again, what I said was totally ignored (I wish they would come and live with me for a week to see just how it affects me), but they don't.

I was advised .. after the pips event, but before my national insurance credits assessment, to have the face to face interview recorded, which I was advised I was entitled too, and even though I haven't got the decision letter yet, I found it a lot better, she was pleasant, and considerate, and she didn't insult me at all. So overall a much better.

Anyway don't get too stressed and get it recorded

Good luck

in reply to Karla777

You must report the lie then if that’s true. It’s a crime.

Nellys_wife40 profile image

i had my pip assessment at home, the lady that came was very nice, spoke kind words and was polite. She asked me about everything I filled in on the form, I'd taken snap shots of it before I sent it of because of my medication I've an awful memory. I'm so glad I did as I was able to refer back to it when needed. Unbeknown to me they also observe you and make an emotional/phycological assessment too. Be open, honest & tell the truth. They can't make you do anything your not up to. Just take your time. Here's a link to how it works points wise. Good luck x :) benefitsandwork.co.uk/perso...

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Nellys_wife40

Nellys_wife40 Didd you get awarded PIP after that?


Nellys_wife40 profile image
Nellys_wife40 in reply to Bananas5

Yes, thankfully. Although I was petrified. My pip award was to take over from my DLA I was very worried as I'd read lots of stories about people not getting it. But thankfully I got the letter notifying me on my birthday Nov 3rd I was so relieved. :)

astitchintime profile image

The interviewer may begin by asking you what any one of your medical conditions feels like. They want to know how you cope with daily functioning to do with how you feel. For example each day I struggle to wash and dress. I have to have help. It hurts too much to lift my arms so as to wash my hair and I need help. Look at what you need to do in terms of reasonable time and repetitively. Look to your worse day as your typical day. For example you can not walk more than 20 metres. Be firm about this 20 metres even if they try and persuaded you otherwise. 20 metres is for the enhanced payment for the mobility component -the highest rate.Have the interview recorded as they are less likely to treat you in a degrading way. You should ask their permission about audio recording as they want a copy of it too. They will watch how you walk so as to make out you walk just fine so they the DWP don't give you anything. The assessment is so they make a report about you that they send to the DWP who decide if they will give you anything.

Jan101 profile image

Hi Mitzie-2016

I also had my assessment done at home and the lady was really nice and helpful. She did ask me to move my feet and try to grip her fingers with my hands. When she saw how difficult it was she stopped right away. I had a assessment booked into go and see them, but a few days before my appointment I phoned and asked if I could see someone at home as I was so ill I was afraid to miss my appointment. I got a really nice gentleman on the phone and he said that it was ok and would get back to me and that was at 2pm and by 4pm I had a call back from him and he asked me could see someone at 9am the next day as they had a cancellation. I could not off asked for anyone nicer she was so understanding and helpful. As the other posts say you just have to be very honest. However I do wonder how different it would off been going in front off people at the assessment. I have heard and also read how people have a tuff and stressful time trying to get their PIP. I do not know how ill you are and what is wrong with you, but maybe you could ask to have your assessment done at home it's worth a try. I always feel it works better on a one to one. I truly wish you good luck on getting your PIP. Take good care.

Jan101 🙏 X

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Jan101

Jan101 be good to hear the outcome! Did you get PPIP and which rate?

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to Bananas5

Yes I got it very quickly. I got standard rate for mobility and full rate for care and I got it for life plus the full back pay. If you look on the form it will tell you how long you have been awarded it for. Some people get it for 3 years and others get it for life and if you get it for life they don't reassess you unless your circumstances change. If I can be of more help please don't hesitate.

Jan101 x

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Jan101

Oh that's brilliant and well done. DWP make no bones that they intend to cut working age PIP by 20% so not easy to get any more.

I am still on DLA higher care but did lose my mobility when we moved to Tenerife. That is in their rules and nothing I could do.

Once a lifer on DLA they changed it to indefinite many years ago. I am waiting for the phone call telling me my turn next. Going to ask for home visit!!!

As a blind claimant they tend to rubber stamp me after completion of forms. We'll see


Fedupwithmybackpain profile image
Fedupwithmybackpain in reply to Bananas5

Fight all the way, don't let them fob you off


Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Fedupwithmybackpain

Fedupwithmybackpain was that for me?? Don't want to start on my reinforced soap box unnecessarily if no one listening!!

Pat x

Fedupwithmybackpain profile image
Fedupwithmybackpain in reply to Bananas5

Yes it was meant for you xx

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Fedupwithmybackpain

Sorry I didn't mean to sound bossy!!

Some benefits can be claimed when you move abroad. You have to notify DWP you are moving and will be gone more than 13 weeks or in our case a permanent move. They seem to stop them....think about it for a while then start them again. If you are eligible the benefit will be backdated.

Unfortunately DLA comes as 2 seperate components...the care and the mobility. Somewhere back in the past care was decided it deserved a rubber stamp and could move with you. Mobility didn't get the rubber stamp so stayed within UK.

My husband who gets a War Pension keeps his mobility. He is paid by MOD. Say no more

Pat x

Pollyannna profile image
Pollyannna in reply to Fedupwithmybackpain

Hi just read your post and was wondering if you had any advice.

I have been fobbed off with the wrong award from pips for the last 21 months, but I was too poorly to appeal, but now I have had another face to face and yet again been awarded the wrong amount of points, that's in my opinion, after researching and reading the benefit and work website, I have only just realised how misrepresentated I have been.

Hope your feeling fine though and merry Christmas x

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to Bananas5

Please let me know how it goes. I get most off my information from my sister as she has been thought it and knows a lot more than I do. So I tend to ask her as she also had DLA first for life. Good luck x

in reply to Bananas5

You were able to take your benefits abroad?

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to

Gosh JakeFukk this is an old post!

DWP allows certain benefits to be paid overseas...DLA?PIP care component, (NOT mobility)Carers Allowance and Attendance Allowance. Oh yes and your pension.

The same criteria and rules apply as if you lived in UK.


neilcardiff profile image

i had my assesment in my home the nurse that came was very nice . asked questions it took around an hour , as soon as i opened the door the lady was assessing me how i moved ect . i had print outs of all my medical conitions and also all medication im on ready for her . i heard back in around 4 weeks after and was granted it for two years . dont worry about it just be prepared get as much information about your condition ready

RAYJAYC profile image

As others have said, you'll be asked the same questions that are in the original claim form. Take your copy of the form so you answer the same way! They're assessing you from the moment they meet you, possibly from the car park sobe aware that if you've said that you can't walk more than 20 metres - how far is it to their front door, into reception, into the waiting room??

They'll offer you the opportunity to elaborate on your original claim form answers but also be aware that they'll be assessing your interpersonal skills/relationship with them. Take someone with you if you can who can take notes of what you say and also to prompt or remind you of stuff you forget to mention; if you're a nervous type of person you'll easily forget things about your disability or illness. As it's so 'normal' for us we forget that others won't know about the little things - don't assume that the assessor will take anything for granted or that something's obvious!!

If you're justified that you should receive PIP at which ever level of award and have medical evidence to support you then it should be fine but there have been horror stories of inadequate assessors or the DWP being harsh in their decision making! You can always ask to have your decision & award looked at again if necessary but that's not for you to be worrying yourself about yet; get the assessment out of the way first!

Good luck....


slsn71 profile image

They ask you every question on the form that you sent off (how your disasbility affects you) they dont always ask you in the order they came in also about your everyday life and how you cope are you on any prescriptiption drugs or over the counter how you take the how often and at what time towards the end they ask you to stand up and touch your toes amd other things depends on what is wrong.It isnt pleasant but juat answer each questiom in your own time and it will be alot better that what i did and i was awarded standard daily living allowance, if you can bring someone with you it calmed me down and i didnt feel to nervous hope this helps good luck x

Hi Mitzie, the first thing I will suggest is you must never try to hide your pain, don't be a heroine, because if you force yourself through the pain, they will say you can cope and not award you what you are entitled.

You must remember to tell them about your worst days and how bad the pain gets and how it affects your every action.

Have you been receiving any counselling due to chronic pain, if you have mention that also, If you use walking aid normally use it, don't try to be a hero.

Mention all the medications you are on and all the side effects that it causes in you. Just be matter of fact about how bad the pain gets, if you can get someone to go with you to the appointment, good, you will be watched from the minute you arrive this is why you must not be a heroine, don't hide the pain let it show, do they can get the extent to which it hampers you Day to day activity.

Hope this helps,

Good luck

Davek723 profile image

Hi there not sure but pip. replaced

Dla. I had a face to face the guy new nothing of my condition asked a number of scripted questions like can you walk x distance can you use stairs the usual rubbish . I managed to score

Zero points I needed 15.

This is despite receiving Dla for 10 years. lol. So this untrained guy managed to cure my unccurable disability. I did appeal and someone called me to clarify something, during the call I was laying on my bathroom floor my hip had popped out and this guy still refused my appeal. I have given

Up on them all.

I really hope you have a better experience than me.

Good luck


Ydontujustdie profile image

It depends on where you live and if the health assessor has still got any remaining moral fibre.

Be very suspicious and ask what evidence they have been given. If you get one that just lies in the forms whatever you and your doctors letter says, there's not much you can do to alter the outcome and you will need to appeal it. And probably win, it's quite normal to have 2 idiots waste your time and public money before a judge sorts it out for you. Get Advocasy if qyou can. Ask the assessor what experience they have in your illness and if they obviously don't have a clue. Terminate the meeting and walk away. At least take a friend and get them to watch what is being typed if possible. Some of them smile a day empathise while you're there and then lie through their teeth.

Good luck

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