HI everyone good day .. Degenerative disc les... - Pain Concern

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HI everyone good day .. Degenerative disc lesions at L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels

AHMEDZ profile image
26 Replies

hi everyone i am in pain and here my MRI report and a pic of it ...

my problem now is leg pain and the back its hard to study ... even sitting for more than half hour or walk or standing i am studying a construction engineering and building ... so i have to draw and it's painful

my bone doctor suggested a physiotherapy so i visited the therapist today i feel the same

the pain started when a car cussed trauma several months ago..

x-ray was fain at the beginning three doctors told me i have to wait few weeks and the pain will goes away i Hit the ground several times Because I did not feel stable for now i feel my legs are heavy and my body

here my MRI report.......

Degenerative disc lesions at L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels

i am 22 years-old male presented with low hack pain and bilateral sciatica.

There is history back trauma several months ago. No prior studies available.

Normal alignment of the lumbosacral spine with

preserved normal lumbar lordotic curve.

-- L4-L5 and L5-S 1 discs are degenerated showing reduced height and signal intensity of the nucleus pulposus on T2 WIs owing to decrease of their water contents.

- L4-L5 disc shows diffuse degenerative annular bulge with posterior central focal protrusion indenting the ventral theca' aspect with consequent bilateral mild encroachment upon the corresponding neural recesses and the inlets of the adjacent neural foraminae slightly more on the right side.

- L5-S 1 disc shows mild diffuse degenerative annular bulge effacing the ventral epidural fat with consequent bilateral mild encroachment upon the corresponding neural recesses and the inlets of the adjacent neural foraminae slightly more on the right side.

- Normal appearance and signal intensity of the rest of the lumbar intervertebral discs with no disc lesions noted.

- No primary spinal canal stenosis.

- Normal size and signal intensity of the lower end of the spinal cord and toms medullaris.

- No facet joint arthropathy or ligamenta 'lava buckling.

- Normal retro and paraspinal soft !issue structures.

thank you :)


I’m new here btw....


update day no. 2

the 2nd day after the first one

i didn't sleep because the pain so ... i went college after a week and tow days ....Of Absence

at the beginning of the day it was fine then i couldn't walk as normal

a crazy pain comes i couldn't handle it any more so i asked the college doctor for a strong pain killer .... after a few mints. it was fine

then i visited the therapist today so ... it's the same ...pain ..... no surprise .

i hope i can sleep today ... that's for now... i will keep this post updated for educational p.

more info i am in Egypt... Cairo....

the accident was from more than 6 months ago.


for every kind members thank you from my Heart

i will try to reply everyone it was painful day

thank you for support and kindness


Day no. three LOW PAIN it's my vacation

Day no. four pain like always i cant walk like normal person

Day no. 5 pain like always ...

Day no. 6 my vacation i slept all day long

Day no. 7 .... loading ............... ;)


Great resources :) :) :)




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AHMEDZ profile image
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26 Replies
Nvnc profile image

Hi,sorry to hear abt ur problem and I know how difficult it is. I have the same problem and still trying my best to overcome it. Well my mri shows the same like urs did and have found many others having the same problem. And as a matter of fact I happened to see a research documentary and it stated that people to have this kind of mri report is much possible for even those who doesn't have the back pain.

sharonb45 profile image
sharonb45 in reply to Nvnc

Hi sorry to hear your in pain, ten years ago I was exactly like yourself but my pain came on overnight out the blue and I had to have emergency surgery and the consultant had to pull clumps of disc out of my back, eight surgeries later and including a spinal fusion Iv now got a spinal coard stimulator fitted and it does help with the nerve pain I suffer from. In April of this year my 15 year old daughter started having back pain and after an mri scan she's now had injection into her back but it ddint help at all and she's now waiting on surgery, she carnt attend school due to not being able to sit for long and its so sad. The advice I give to you is make sure that you keep on at the hospital to try to push for appointments ect or you will just be left in the loop. Good luck with everything.

Sharon x

AHMEDZ profile image
AHMEDZ in reply to sharonb45

Thank you sharonb45 (Sharon x), sorry for you and your daughter ....


in reply to sharonb45

Wow,is it hereditary then?my dad had terrible bother with his back my 16yr old and my 21yrold both have been having bother with thiers,ive just been to first orthopaedic dr appointment a week past from Friday there he referred me for an mri,i got appointment through,it's for this Friday! Very fast indeed ,makes me wonder, why so quick, anyway he said siatica caused slipped discs and he believes ive had a trapped nerve for many yrs but its important that i understand that even after my mri scan that it doesn't mean he can cure me.has any doctors ever said that to anyone before the scan?i just thought that was odd.

AHMEDZ profile image
AHMEDZ in reply to Nvnc

Thank you Nvnc :)

MorningGloryRose profile image

Hello Ahmedz! Welcome. Sorry that your back/legs hurt. I am in a similar situation. It is most difficult and painful for me to stand and sitting isn't the greatest either. This pain can go from 0 to 10 in no time at all, when and if, it decides to destroy my peace, which is all the time. The energy expended in pain is incredible. Sometimes I don't have the will to travel across the house. Here is my advice for you. Stay with the physiotherapy. Because it works. Do the exercises that the therapist gives you. Do the exercises and stretches at home. Stop when you feel pain. Do not push through pain. Fatigue yes, pain no. Why? The pain is warning you. To push through it when you are injured will only make it worse, become more painful and ultimately your healing will take longer. Now, I will also suggest neuro-muscular massage therapy if you can afford it. Look into what is available at your college. Sometimes students can practice on others for less money than the professional. Do not let them do anything that makes you nervous or uncomfortable or something that causes hurt. Acupuncture by a doctor of oriental medicine (DOM) is also helpful. The drawback here is it will take awhile to notice, but notice you will. When I was still able to work, I indulged in all three types of care including chiropractic with my doctors' permission. I could not bend my neck to chin or walk up a flight of stairs. Now I can. Don't do anything without your doctors consent so you don't injure yourself more. Drink lots of water. I used to drink like a camel. I would fill up and not think about it again until I had to refill. Then I got sick and learned that we, humans, need to stay hydrated... Clear yellow urine about every two hours. Take time out - to calm yourself -meditate and be quiet. Stress hurts. Is it possible to fix a standing study space? The only comfortable position I have at this time, is to lay on my back. If I get the back, pelvic ,leg spasms, from standing, sitting or walking, it brings me to tears and I must lie down. It may be different for you; I've been suffering for a long time now. The pain recycles itself. Take your pain medication/muscle relaxer before PT so you are able to take advantage of the time. Also, take your pain meds so you can function, and have a life. The medication hopefully will keep your brain from mapping your pain. Don't drive under the influence of your prescriptions. It is dangerous. Also be sure to have a go to rescue plan for when your back flares. It might keep you from emergency at hospital. If you don't have a good rapport with your doctors, look for replacements. It's late for me and I've been fighting off an incoming migraine, received when my back spasmed out and cried and danced my way to bed. Ahmedz, I wish you the energy to do what is necessary. I can't think of anything else. You are young now, be ambitious with healing your body. Get your PT person to help you to make you strong with a strong core. Only you can do it. Peace.

AHMEDZ profile image
AHMEDZ in reply to MorningGloryRose

Thank you MorningGloryRose it's amazing information i need to sleep then i will read it again

sorry for you... :\

JezEds profile image

Hi, Sorry to hear about your pain. I fully understand how frustrating it can be, particularly if you are an active person. I have a similar problem compounded by SI joint dysfunction. GP treatment comprised of only strong painkillers and a telephone consultation. I ended up on Tramadol which was doing me no good mentally so I came off it as quickly as possible under the guidance of a pharmacist friend. I have opted for chiropractic care, which unfortunately costs money, but was a necessary treatment. I have had a physical examination and an X ray which actually diagnosed the problem rather than the GP taking my initial diagnosis of sciatica at face value. Pain levels are massively reduced although sitting in one place and standing still are a problem, I am back cycling (albeit on a bike with flat handlebars and not drops) and I rarely need painkillers. My chiropractor has written to my GP and I now have an appointment to discuss tests to check up on a condition that he is concerned about - rheumatoid arthritis. As a single parent it was really difficult and i took to using crutches or a stick to help me to get on with chores and the worst experience was supermarket shopping. Find the care that best suits you and follow MorningGloryRose's advice. It is debilitating, stressful and depressing - I know, my problem came at the time my marriage broke up too. Stick in there and don't overdo it - just find your limit and push that far - no further.

deejames profile image

Stick with physio but don't expect results for a while. A good physio will have advised you on how to sit, stand, walk and sleep. You should also expect to have exercises to do at home daily. You are probably looking at doing some sort of exercises for the rest of your life but you are young and with careful work you might be able to strengthen the muscles around the weaknesses and start to have a more normal life.

I managed for 20 years to stave off the disability that comes with osteoarthritis. It's only when I had an accident and damaged myself further that things got very bad again.

It's very important that you take advice specific to your back problems from a trained and experienced practitioner. Please don't listen if anyone tells you that this or that exercise or regime sorted their back out. It could be entirely wrong for you.

You will find that there are always people ready to tell you about their own back problems and the miracle cure they found. Nod and smile and ask your physio or whoever you are seeing first.

Inthe meantime a Tens Machine can be very helpful in reducing pain short term without drugs. Any good chemist will have them. Get a mid range priced one to start with and experiment. It can hurt you.

Good luck


BigBadBack profile image

You have impingement on your spinal column and your sciatic nerve. Bulged, herniated, compression, spinal stenosis are all pretty much the same and if your lucky you won't need surgery. I can show MRI's that progress from 1998 until 2015 and after 4 back surgeries with various amounts of years between them. The end result is using a spinal cord stimulator implanted in me with a lot of pain remaining making it impossible to work. If the accident was someone else's fault file a lawsuit now.

AHMEDZ profile image
AHMEDZ in reply to BigBadBack

thank you BigBadBack , it's sounds a bad news . :\

kiwitaramerlin profile image

Hi AHMedz,

I read a lot of pain concern posts on healthunloked but i don't write often i am not a good writer. My partner has pain in his back pain for several years and now he got to the point that his leg is painful like you the only he's been told to take the paracetamol but it did not do him any good. He will have an XRAY soon.

i just wonder how can you get all of these results, normally they do not give you all the result like this! hope we can get all the results after an xray too.

I hope they will come to a conclusion now how to treat you to get you feel better soon.


AHMEDZ profile image
AHMEDZ in reply to kiwitaramerlin

Hi kiwitaramerlin , where do you leave ? it's Egypt here .... X-ray usually doesn't contain Report of the condition and it's useless in my case ....,

MRI is more advanced and good for diagnostic they will give you : films, CD & report

thank you kiwitaramerlin

kiwitaramerlin profile image
kiwitaramerlin in reply to AHMEDZ

I am in England, here after having an x-ray they don't tell you anything, you have to see the doctor for your result.

Good luck!


AHMEDZ profile image
AHMEDZ in reply to kiwitaramerlin

same here .... at the beginning after the car accident i visited three doctors they told me you have nothing and the pain will go away after three weeks ....it didn't go away :\

because the x-ray didn't show the problem only MRI described it .

best wishes.


johnsmith profile image

See an Alexander Teacher. You need help with re-learning how do do things. With better muscular control their will be less pressure on the discs. You may not be necessarily pain free, but reduction in pain and better sleep is something that better muscular control helps with.

Hope this helps.

AHMEDZ profile image
AHMEDZ in reply to johnsmith

Thank you johnsmith ;)

Sazntef profile image

I would really recommend looking into an Alexander Technique teacher in your area. it's almost like a physio but they look more at retraining and restructuring to optimise functionality and reduce pain. I was sceptical initially but I can really say it's effective. most of the pain is out of my leg and I can recover from flair ups much more quickly. I also recommend trying a TENS unit.

Really hope you get the support and health you need. Stay strong and don't let it get to you. You have friends that understand here


AHMEDZ profile image
AHMEDZ in reply to Sazntef

Thank you Sarah i will do my pest ;)

cathy4 profile image

Hi i was told i had lisons on botton of my spine what are they

AHMEDZ profile image
AHMEDZ in reply to cathy4

Hi Cathy...... ,Sorry to hear that , Did you make MRI ? , if yes you should see your MRI report you will understand ...and google it

i will try to find a good educational video ;)

AHMEDZ profile image
AHMEDZ in reply to cathy4


KeepingFaith profile image

Always try the alternatives first. If you can avoid surgery & get better, do it! I was in a similar boat a few years ago. I tried everything & nothing has helped. I meet my surgeon on Wednesday (2 days!)

Fingers crossed for you!!

AHMEDZ profile image
AHMEDZ in reply to KeepingFaith

Heyy how do you feel now?

KeepingFaith profile image
KeepingFaith in reply to AHMEDZ

Hi! I had surgery over 2 years ago now. I had a disc replacement L5-S1 with screws & cage. Surgery itself was about 6 hours. I had no other choice & a prime candidate for surgery.

I was off of work for 7 months to fully recover. I am so much better now!

A few weeks ago I took my children to Las Vegas for a sporting competition & did great! I still use heat almost daily, but only take the odd pain killer now. I was oodles of meds pre-surgery.

How are you?

23012017 profile image

Hi AHMEDZ, so sorry to hear your plight. I have extreme back issues and have had several surgeries ( genetic issues partially responsible). With regards to drawing etc., I have recently been given a 'PERCHING STOOL' by my O.T. it allows me to do work at the desk for a longer time than I could previously also for sciatic nerve pain I have found Lidocaine Patches of some use. They are stuck on the troublesome areas they have a numbing effect like when the dentist gives lidocaine in the gums for tooth work. Hope this is of some benefit to you. Keep smiling

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