Dealing with constant back and leg pain - Pain Concern

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Dealing with constant back and leg pain

gtree profile image
8 Replies

I was searching for medications when I came across this site. I have had several back surgeries. It started with herniated disc at L4-L5. After a couple laminectomies I started having fusions. To make a long story short I found out that I had a bad case of degenerative disc disease and the discs above my fusion didn't support the extra strain. This resulted in scoliosis and my spine looked like an S-curve in the road. After 7 previous surgeries (by 4 different surgeons) I had a scoliosis fusion from S-1 to T-5 (13 levels). I can now stand straight again but deal with constant back and leg pain. The nerve that goes down my left leg has been damaged resulting in pain and weakness. I have been on many different medications. Right now taking Exalgo with percocet for break through pain. Looking for new info or maybe I can provide info to someone else.

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gtree profile image
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8 Replies
Fern369 profile image

Oh poor you ! back pain is so awfully debilitating. I myself have had back pain off and on for years, I am now having a bout of Sciatica, which makes my lower back and legs feel weak so I have to sit down in between doing things, and after a few minutes I can resume whatever I am doing. I have Osteoarthritis and ive had xrays scans etc and had anti inflammatories but they upset my stomach so now I take Paracetamol and drink Ginger tea, and run Ibuprofen gel into my back which helps a bit. I cant really offer you any new ideas wish I could then I would get some relief myself just wanted to tell you that you are not alone.

Fern369 profile image

oh I forgot to say that I am doing some Yoga for back pain and it is helping a bit so you could try that.

lowlife profile image

You must be in agony to have the whole of your spine damaged. The trouble with back pain is that it also effects the legs which can make the problem more disabling. I personally find that swimming helps to relieve pain as long as i dont overdo it but in your case i wouldn't advice swimming but to do excercise in water. You could also manage aqua zumba in your local pool if they do it. Excercise is so much easier in the water and has helped me alot. I can't think of anything else im afraid as ive tried it all lol.

If you don't see a pain specialist now is the time to find one. I guess you must be state-side as Percoset isn't available here. There are a number of anti-depressants that can be used for pain augmentation, and they have the happy up-side of helping you to sleep and lightening your mood, chronic pain is the worse kind. There is a relatively new long acting pain relief tablet called Tapentadol (U.K) I think it is called Nucyinta / Palexia elsewhere that would certainly be worth trying. I wish you well.

johnsmith profile image

When you were seeing the various medical consultants I gather not one discussed with you the issues of posture and muscle function that can cause pain.

It is worth seeing an Alexander Teacher who can teach you how better posture and muscle function can help you function better. There are schools of yoga who can help with scoliosis. Cannot give advice on this as what you get will depend very much on the skills of the person you see.

Hope this helps.

TartanTiger profile image

The only ones that really help me with my back are either pregabalin or gabapentin alone with co-codamol, amitritiline at night (sorry never can spell it right) and a SSRI or SNRI, taken years to get them right but I am now out my wheelchair and doing well.

jules37 profile image

my suggestion would be similar to Tartan Tiger, may be your drs could look at the doses of what you are already on and maybe increase or switch to another opoid, and or consider introducing gabapentin

carol1964 profile image

I started taking tapentadol 2 weeks ago and they seem to be helping,my GP had never heard of them but I had no problem getting them,hope you find something to ease your pain x

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