i have CRPS and now my should keeps giving me so much pain and my arm and hand feels numb and swollen.i am very tiered and slept all day too. I'm on lots of pain meds so why is it I can still feel pain !
CRPS and pain in Right shoulder and numbness ... - Pain Concern
CRPS and pain in Right shoulder and numbness all way down to fingers

Hello Chawner
Much has been asked and answered about this in recent days. If you type in the words you want in the search box you might find some useful info.
Meantime with any chronic pain there is no pain killer that will work. The word should be pain 'relief' cos that's what it will do. Pain relief together with pain management - learning how to do just that will help you.
You say you have been on all sorts of drugs but maybe they haven't had a chance to work effectively? ask to your GP and tell him what you told us.
Have yo had an appt at a pain linic? They can often prescribe other forms of relief - heat, TENS or physio. All important is to pace yourself and never do more than you can manage. If fact the golden rile is to stop before any further pain kicks in.
Acupuncture is anther which brings short ter, relief to ,amy.
Sory I can't be more specific but hope this helps.
Pat x
Hi Pat thank you for your reply. I did look through lots of other posts about this but non seemed to address it with the CRPS !
I have tried physio but have to much pain for them to help me and was told that I couldn't have acupuncture .
Yes I go to pain clinic too.
Anyway I'll keep going the beat I can
So hat did pain clinic have to say?
Hang on I have a friend who has it in her ankle. She posts on here sometimes. I'll dig her out and get her to post her experiences. It might hekp - or worsen it!
Pat x
Pain clinic said they were doing what can for me. They said to keep on same meds and doses so tht if it improves or decreases I'll have more chance in dealing with it. The problem is that when somthing changes I can't get into see them quick enough
It really is a pain have pain .....
Hi, i have chronic pain triggered by an injury in 2005. I have asked many times for a recheck of shoulder as have neck shoulder and arm pain heavy and numb and hand freezes and changes colour. Finally got it relooked at as had neck and back mris few times but not shoulder since 2006 despite asking if needed doing, and they found arthritis and have impingement syndrome and bursitis and crps. Just wondered if you have had recent scans as i go to an excellent pain clinic but found that once had pain most symptoms believed to due to same thing. I find nothing gets rid of it but morphine sulphate nortyptyline and naproxen together helps a bit at the minute. Also i was allowed 6 accupuncture sessions on nhs to try worth asking gp again
hope you find something that helps you soon
Hi there,
I have had crps for the last 4 years, it started in my left foot and now has spread to effect the whole of my left side. I have found several things to help my pain levels, the first is an electric throw that keeps that side of my body at a constant temperature, the second is immersing myself in a warm pool, big enough to move. Appart from that I have fine tuned my meds to oxycontin, oral morphine, setraline and amytriptoline, paracetamol and tramadol.
Some days I do not think I can bare another day of pain, but more lately I have felt in control and able to take up new challenges such as taking a short course.
I wish you lots of luck and a pain free day
In 2012 the NHS spent £5.8 billion pounds on cancer, on CRPS they spent £200,000. Official reply to FOI demand. My MP has been fighting for us for over 2 years.
parliamentlive.tv/Main/Play... however Mr Lamb has broken his word to help us
If you are willing to meet your MP and ask him to join the fight please e-mail me RSDFighter@Hotmail.co.uk
You have to discuss all these things to the right specialist. I think you need more test to exactly know the cause of your pain. At least, try to talk to your doctor about it. Or if you're not satisfied with the first one, there's always a chance to consider another opinion from other doctors, probably a specialist in injury pain. If the pain troubling you, then it must be addressed as early as possible. You can also try the magnetic therapy or wear a magnetic bracelet perhaps. It works with people I know so it might work with you too.
I have posted these in other places and many say they have helped.