Firstly, can I say a big thank you to the people who like my pictures of my garden and I'll put some more up during the week. I'm really proud of what I've done I to my garden and will continue to do what I can to it.
Secondly, I went for an eye test today at my local Tescos where my daughter works. An half hour test turned out to be an hour and half test. They were brilliant and did tests that I've never had before. On one test I could see reddish, it was like I was looking through something red but it wasn't. After tests to examine the back of my eyes, the optician said that on the back of my right eye there was a lot of scarring which I knew about as I damage that eye years ago but on the back of my left eye there was a haemorrhage and other problems.
He made a request for me to be seem at my local hospital as soon as possible and explained how urgent it was. He said that is why I've been losing my vision at times, the headaches and the blurred vision. I'm just glad that my daughter was with me as its hit me hard and I'm still in shock. I can just imagine me in hospital at the same time as she is, as she's got 5wks left before the baby's due. I asked him if my medication could of caused this problem as I'm on Gabapentin, , Lansoprazole, Mirtazapine, Naproxen, etc but he said no then he saw that I'm b12 definicity and maybe this was the cause but he can't say until they've done some tests.
Sorry for the rant but I'm scared and I'm just wondering if anyone has had a similar problem and know what I can expect. Thank you 😯😢