Hi everyone, it's been a while since I posted. I saw my new pain Dr. She put me back on oxymorphone 10mg she wants to gradually work me up to a stronger dose same with my oxicodone.
It's helping mildly, she gave my surgeon permission to write me additional pain script. My surgery is on August 10th, he says prior surgeon surgery didn't fix anything. I was in a wreck June 23rd, not my fault, a woman pulled out in front of me I swerved so not to Tbone her car. I got tboned instead. Was taken straight to the ER, both shoulders and hip started hurting instantly. During this surgery he has to repair the right shoulder torn rotor cuff that was torn in the wreck, along with biceps tear , and remover all the arthritis. If this doesn't eliminate the pain, I will have to have a total joint replacement.
After 6 months I'll have to have a total shoulder joint replacement on the left shoulder. It also messed up my lumbar as well. She wasn't hurt that I know of. She totaled her little Chevy. I drive a Dodge suv!