Does weather changes effect OA pain ? It does for me.
OA and weather: Does weather changes effect OA... - Pain Concern
OA and weather
i dont hava O A but i have arthritis in some of my joints. it definitly changes my pain in fact i can sometimes tell what the weather is going to be like. changes in the weather also cause flare up with a lot of illness's as i'v had a few that i'v recovered from which were secondary to hep c and once i cleared the hep c the illness went. rhuematoid artheritits for example where the joints go purple and red. i was so shocked when this happened to me i took photo's of this and still have them to this day. however its now completey gone, i had cryoglobulinemia also a secondary illness to hep c and as soon as the weather got cold or damp i got very ill indeed. as when cold, with cryo (for short) the blood turns to gel and does not go to the vital organs and the first usually to be affected is the kidneys. thank god i survived and cleared the hep c with treatment of interferon and ribavarin. the weather caused me to have really bad fare ups of those illness's. love grace xoxoxo
Hi Oma3 I have OA in my back , legs and feet . I should get paid as a weather person because I could tell you when the weather is going to get rainy and cold or it is already raining . I hope that your in a place where you will not have to deal with pain because of the weather.
Yes. It certainly does. Cold and or wet makes it worse. I felt like a spring chicken on holiday abroad last year, in the nice dry heat.
Have you seen "cloudy with a chance of pain"? It falls under the healthunlocked banner. You download an app and keep track of how much pain and movement you have in a day, every day if possible. The point being to bring inconclusive proof that our OA is indeed affected by the weather. You may find it interesting x
Thank u I will definitely look into that. 😏