Has anyone had this done and what were the results.....also how long is recovery time. Thanks in advance
Awaiting surgery for spinal fusion and lamine... - Pain Concern
Awaiting surgery for spinal fusion and laminectomy

Yes. L5-S1 fusion was the best thing for me. Consider refusing screws as they always, at some point come loose. Also my doctor reached through the original incision over to the side of my hip bone and chipped bone out there INSTEAD of making a second incision that would need to heal. One wound is better than two. He also placed a bone growth stimulator inside for about 6 months to help with securing fusion. The doctor bored out the hole where the nerve root exits so that it would have more room to pass through as it was "literally crushed." Best of luck to you. My only regret is that I waited until the 3rd surgery for a fusion as opposed to the 1st surgery.
Are you in the UK? I need a 2 level fusion and have been told it would be done with rods and screws plus decompression for spinal stenosis. What is the alternative to screws? I was warned that the screws could loosen in the future. I have osteo arthritis in hips .spine and shoulders. Waiting time for the operation here in UK is 2 years and I am now 82 years old!.Have also been told it is high risk for me.Glad it was a success for you.
Since two levels are involved that may be the only way to address your situation. I'm sure your doctors know best. If you were in your 20's I would question if there were alternatives to the screws. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this.
My fusion gave me a great amount of relief. They woke me up in the operating room to make sure I could move my legs and such. I felt immediate relief and knew the surgery was a success. I got to where I couldn't drive for more than 8 minutes without severe pain. The best advice; put the surgery off as long as you can stand it, then do it.
Thank you for your reply.
It's the leg pain which is the most debilitating and prevents me from walking more than a few steps without having to sit down due to severe pain. What analgesics do you use in USA? I have just been prescribed Butrans patches but not really keen to start a slow release opioid.
I am a keen gardener and find it so frustrating as I am housebound now!
Hope you continue to be well.
My leg pain was a burning stinging ache. Sometimes they would tell me that the nerve root was irritated. Irritated? To me that didn't describe the severe pain I was in, I wanted to slap them haha. I take low dose naltrexone (non-narcotic) which increases your endorphins and take Norco ES (extra strength vicodin). In certain parts of the USA medical marijuana is legal so I take a capsule at bedtime (it takes two hours to work) as I do not want to get high, but it sure can help with pain as well. I will not smoke it.
Keep moving, simple easy stretches according to doctors advice. If it hurts, modify. I also get tissue work from massage therapists and that helps keep moving and reduces spasms.
Cymbalta or Amitriptyline is good for that nerve related pain and helps me avoid opiates.
Hello Forever39
Jules here.
I had a spinal fixation done in 2010, but with mine the metal screws and rods were taken out in 2011. I had broken my back in a number of places.
It took me about 6 weeks to walk with a walking stick. I suppose it took the full 5 years to recover as far as my body is able.
Getting the right nerve pain tablets was the hardest thing, I tried alsorts. I have settled for a mix of Pregabalin and codeine. I also take one mirtazapine which helps with my moods but has a bonus of helping nerve pain too (from what i can remember being told).
Its not a nice place to be awaiting a spinal procedure - sending you much luck and best wishes.
Hope this is of some use - i am normally on the brain injury site.