5 days of feeling almost normal & then bang during the night pain woke me so severe in my lumber spine right buttock. Managed to get back to sleep but since waking at 8am been in such severe pain it has made me weep. The Butrans patch had given up the ghost on day 5. In desperation I took the old one off & put a new one on in the meatime I had been taking cocodamol & Ibuprofen with no success the pain carried on relentless.
It is after lunch and I am just beginning to feel a little relief so hoping the patch is working. Bathroom visits are easing down too. I can almost feel the nerve tickle the nerve connected to the bladder forcing me to get up and go once again.
A visit to my GP at 5.30pm this evening hoping he will allow the patch to be changed earlier. We shall see meanwhile, I am still in bed recovering from the ordeal of the severe pain of earlier (I actually look ill)
Are any of you using the Butrans patch would like to hear your experience with them.