I just had my gallbladder removed and it was a little hard to breathe afterwards when I got home anyone had this problem
Gallbladder : I just had my gallbladder removed... - Pain Concern

I had mine out the old fashioned way over 30 years ago with a week in hospital, I take it you had keyhole surgery and home the same day, if its up to 24 hours you can ring the ward for advise, if longer you could ring NHS 24 for advice, dont take any risk with severe breathing difficulties that would be a 999 emergency. I hope you get sorted quickly and you soon get over your operation.
big hugs to you Sheryl xx
Even though it was keyhole surgery, they will have been poking around in your upper belly, and you will be a bit irritated right up to your diaphragm. The gas they pump in (so they can see things better) also can feel a bit odd. As well as that, if you are feeling a bit of pain around the area and the scars, it may be contributing to you not feeling like you can breathe deeply. If it really is causing you bother though, don't hesitate to phone the ward, the NHS advice line, or go back to the hospital.
Hello Neonlady01,
I also had my gallbladder removed this week last year. It was done by keyhole surgery and even though I was supposed to go home on the same day, I was so poorly the surgeon admitted me onto a specialist ward overnight. I could hardly breath or keep my eyes open. I had reacted badly to the cocktail of drugs including the anaesthetic.
This was not my first anaesthetic but I had never had morphine before, which they give you while before you come around. It took 24 hours and 3 IV's before it began to wear off! If you are at all worried phone the hospital, although I know that the Day Units usually close around 9pm.
I have to be honest with you, while all the literature that they give you to read, make out that you will be back to normal in a couple of weeks. I certainly wasn't! It took quite a few weeks before I felt OK again. One tip is to drink mint tea to help with the trapped air, as they can leave air inside you and it's uncomfortable.
So take your time and I am sure that you will be just fine. The best thing is that you don't have to be scared of that awful pain coming back!!

Thank u I'm just really constipated n not sure Wat to take for that so one day at a time I guess lol
Hi, yes being constipated is a common problem with the procedure and morphine etc.. especially with not eating pre-operatively.
Just call up your local pharmacy for the advice, they have very gentle remedy they sell over the counter. You must not strain at all to pass a motion after having gall bladder surgery!! Drink plenty of water of course.
All the best to you.

Thank u soo much
Hi. Just wondering how your breathing is now?
I had my gallbladder out via keyhole last Friday and I still can't seem to yawn or sneeze properly? It feels like a stabbing pain when I draw in too much air.
Hope you recovered well x