My Dr. added Hysingla ER 20mg yesterday and last night I had the first night without waking up in pain during night or in a.m. Anyone else have experience with this Med?
New pain Med added: My Dr. added Hysingla ER... - Pain Concern
New pain Med added

what a pity. I was going to ask my doc for some.....
Take just one at bedtime but am also on Tapentadol 75mg every 4 hours, Butrans patch changed weekly 20mg, Tizanidine 2mg (muscle relaxer) 4/day and duloxetine (Cymbalta) 60mg (2 in am).
Some opioids and pain killers are definitely more difficult than others to stop. I should know because over the last 21 years I've been on them all at one time or another. I was blessed to have a Dr. who suggested Tapantedol as it does not make me feel "high" and causes very few symptoms of withdrawal. I would also say this about Butrans. With regards to UK Dr.'s not prescribing more than 1 of these drugs, I believe they are so overly cautious that they are nearly useless, as gleaned from the article above). My Dr. Has found a combination that works to keep me comfortable most of the time which provides me a chance to have a good quality of life. He monitors me carefully, every 28 days, and dies drug testing. Also, unless you have walked in my shoes it's hard to judge. I had severe scoliosis and in excruciating pain for years until I began taking pain meds in 2000. This went on until my surgeon told my I needed to fuse my back straight or I would not be able to breathe due to crowding of my lungs. This was done in 2008. The operation was the most excruciating pain is ever had and was left with titanium rods in my back from T-4 to S-1. I then had chronic pain and in 2011 I fell on the ice and snapped both rods in half followed by surgery number 2, more pain. Since then I have tried a number of drugs without success until my current Dr. found my current regime. He hates seeing his puts in pain but is also extremely cautious. This is what works for me and I'm thankful I don't live in a country who doesn't take my kind of pain seriously. I tell God thank you every day.
I was not comparing my pain to anyone, simply supporting that there are cases when one drug does not solve the problem. I also didn't mention UK when I said "a country". There are many countries that don't deal with pain adequately, for instance the UAE where I lived for 2 years. I don't believe Zi said Butrans was a strong drug but rather can be used with Tapantedol to achieve good results. I think you're just looking for things to become incensed about. Waste of your energy. Sorry if we don't agree.
I was expressing an opinion about the UK based on the article I left the link for above. My apologize if this information was incorrect. Regarding the Butrans strength I would refer you to the following article
I would just suggest we agree to disagree and note that none of this is helping anyone.
Thank you for sharing your opinion.
Please refer to article regarding strength of Butrans and codeine