In 2006 i went to see the specialist as my wrist had become that painful that when i tried to write, cut up my food, put weight through it, i would get this tight band around it and it would keep getting more and more tighter, like somebody had put a rubber band around it and then started to twist it tighter and tighter.
After lots of x-rays, MRI's, you name it they did it, the decided to remove my scaphoid and do a 4 corner wrist fusion to try and sort the problem out, sadly after the op, the pain and the problems where still there.
The pain in it got worse over the years so i went back to see the specialist again, and this time he said lets see if i can remove the plate and shave down the forearm bones a little to see if that makes any difference, after breaking a couple of screwdrivers trying to remove the plate they gave up on that idea, but did shave the bones down.
I am used to being in pain with it on a scale of 1-10 i would say the pain was around a 5, and when i tried to use it, it would go up to around an 8.
My problem now is that the pain is now around an 8 all the time, and every turn or movement in my wrist is painful, that i am actually kind of locking my wrist as much as possible to try and ease the pain a bit.
I am worried that i might need the next op which would be a total wrist fusion, but how do i convince the specialist to do it, when all the other op's have not helped with the pain before.
I am 38 years of age, trying to find a job that i can do because of this problem, and everytime i seem to get that 1 step forward my wrist loves to knock me back 2.
I am scared and worried about this, because i do not have the support of my own gp's, they see a 6'4 guy walk in and think that i am making up the pain, and my wrist is not as bad as i am saying, the dole just want me to take the 1st job that comes up, or they are going to send me on a 6 months community placement (last time they sent me to a recycling plant, where i did more damage to my wrist) I just wish i knew what to do