even my doctors are not sure what wrong with me. My doctors stop prescribing me with pain killers. With my connection in the pharmaceutical company and i was formally working in the pharmacy I managed to get my pain killers. Now I am only physiotherapy, tried tens, pens, western acupuncture but all failed. I went to see another doctor , another doctor put me in Chinese acupuncture and ayurveda. I am not sure ayurveda with chinese acupuncture will work or not. The doctor who did my acupuncture previously in the hospital was a neurologist who learn the acupuncture skills from china. She used a kind of machine to supply electric current to the small tiny acupuncture needles to enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture.
What made me curious is the discomfort only appears when I am sitting? When I am walking or standing no pain but longer distance of walking my leg becomes tired and I start limping only when i have a long walk.