Hi everyone.....Ive only just been given a cpap machine, im struggling a little, does anyone who uses one have trouble with a feeling of pressure behind their eyes? apart from that feelling im coping quite well......take care all
Cpap: Hi everyone.....Ive only just been given... - Pain Concern

Hi Ive had a cpap since last August and havent coped at all well with it. I struggle because I have a constant lump in my throat which seems to close up when I lay down making it hard to breath and I get claustraphobic. I cant sleep with it on and when sleep is difficult already because I have insomnia and fibromyalgia and I wake in pain among other things I cant see how this helps? When I spoke to the sleep clinic they have told me to wear it for 1 hour every afternoon to get used to it. I have tried but it doesnt stop the feeling of suffocation and panic. I have had flu for 2 weeks so havent used it in that time and I have to go back in 2 weeks time and I have hardly used it at all so I think they may be giving up on me. Sleep evades me and this makes it worse. Hope it works out for you. Gentle hugs Joolz.x

thanks for yr reply. I do feel some benefit from it, and i have missed the occasional night, at the present time im sleeping sitting up as ive started with reflux again im on double dose amaprezole and still getting reflux, i think its easier to wear sitting up, the main problem with me is my eyes. and sore bum. been sitting up now for over a year.....take care
thanks for yr reply. They have given me a humidifier with this one, when i first tried the machine i had problems with the cold weather it brought on my angina, at least the humidifier has stopped this and also the dry mouth......take care
Have you tried probiotics for your reflux problem? I was prescribed Lansaprazole for GERD but this makes me so nauseas so I got some probiotic from Amazon and take one each morning half hour before eating and this has helped enormously. Gentle hugs Joolz.x

Hi Flossyjoolz....Just to let you know, ive been told the tube (sorry cant remember what its called) has got smaller and i need an op which will happen soon. Hopefully my problem will be solved......take care
Hi docnai, Sorry didnt answer before bad day yesterday fibro playing up and had to see the memory clinic for assessment. Good news that I havent got dementia but was told my memory problems are down to stress and anxiety (He didnt know what I was talking about when I mentioned fibro fog!) Sorry to hear you will need an op and hope this solves your problem Seems like there are so many people on here with similar problems its scary. Good luck and let me know how you get on. Gentle hugs Joolz.x

Hi there its haven't coped with my CPAP machine to it panicking everytime I put it over my mouth it's awful and go back next month and only used it 4 times whoops
Hi I have been using ccap machine on and off for the past nine months ,I have many problems over this period such as difficult with breathing ,pressure behind the eyes ,a painful rash where the mask is in contact with the skin so I had to stop using the machine I see the consultant in two months time .I myself feel I did not benefit from the machine don't really know where we go from here .All I have been told keep persevering with the machine I shall do my best , so all I can say is keep trying and keep a record of any problems you may have i ,Good Luck .
Thaigh .
Hi, I'm Ann and I have been using a CPAP machine for over two decades now. I don't have any problems and have now got to the stage where I can't sleep if I don't have it on!! We have a very senior nursing sister whom we can contact for help and advice (eg replacement parts. Do you have anyone like this where you live? If so she/he might be worth a try. I have never felt pressure behind my eyes.
thanks for replies. Been a awhile sorry, soso tired. Any way stopped using cpap and the occlusions have stopped only 2 since May now Dec. im waiting for 2 ops cant have any till my heart has been sorted and guess what there's a waiting list and then i go back on the lists to have my op's.......arrrrrrgh......take care all