I suffer with constant belching and excessive gas. I finally got a referral to gastro specialist. Anybody with the same problem?
Belching: I suffer with constant belching and... - Pain Concern

My husband has this problem and is going to see a gastro soon too. He actually saw a throat specialist as he was getting constant sore throats - they confirmed it's acid reflux. Do you think this might be what you have too? His GP tried him on several different types of pills for it, but none of them helped. He has found relief by raising his head up on a pillow at night in bed though - but he still gets a lot of "wind problems" both day and night.
I hope the gastro can help you. I hope they can help my husband too!
Thank you. I do have acid reflux but the pills aren't working anymore. I will be getting an endoscopy soon.
I have acid reflux myself - but lansoprazole works fine for me and is keeping it under control. Sadly, they don't help my husband's reflux.
There are a few alternatives available - I hope the gastro can find something which works for you. It might be worth trying a pillow wedge in your bed at night. Apparently, it's when we lie down at night that it all "bubbles up" so to speak. If you raise your head it can stop this from happening. It has helped my husband considerably.
I think it is due to the acid reflux because the major reason of this problem is considered acid reflux, Just find a gestro and start the treatment both of you and the other one's husband.
I have it all the time and also have reflux thanks to taking anti-inflamatories years ago. I take Lansoprozole (15mg but recently had a month of 30mg due to continual heartburn), but I still burp and fart loads! It's also an age thing, which, I can put up with so long as there isn't pain. Which I do get occasionally...I'm a coward and don't fancy an endoscopy.
Going to the gastro sounds reasonable and only there will you get answers. It's not normal at all to have excessive gas on a regular basis no natter what you eat or take for supplements.
Get your husband to stop eating/drinking any milk/lactose and Gluten for a couple of weeks, and see how things are then, sounds a bit like I was before I stopped these two things. He should ask for a ceoliac test
Not me, but a friend, was diagnosed with acid reflux.
I had two different causes for my gas and belching, first Ulcers, and the second Gall stones, your endoscopy should give you answers. I hope you get it done soon.
Certain foods, including some prescribed drugs can cause these type of symptoms, as can gluten intolerance as mentioned above. Keeping a food diary can sometimes spot food triggers. I found taking charcoal tablets helps to lessen the problem and give you more control. Good luck with the consultant.