Hi all, I've had my first round of 11 trigger point injections on sunday,to treat nerve damage/ pain I was wondering if anyone else have had these and hoe long the effectiveness shows and how long will it take for the initial feeling of been.kicked my a horse will wear off,thanks in.advance
Trigger point injections : Hi all, I've had my... - Pain Concern
Trigger point injections
Thi there I had the same thing done a few weeks ago and it was so painful to have done. I felt as if it increased the pain an agrevated it more than helping it .i go back to get more done in a couple of weeks . The Dr said it may take a few attempts for it to work well, we will see. Do you have CRPS (RSD).
How do you think it went for you, what did the Dr say about how it would help you.
Good luck
Hi, I hope. Your feeling. Better. Soon, I haven't got crps I had a simple keyhole surgery nearly four years ago that was complicated. They cut a blood vessels and heammoraged 2 1/2 litres of blood that was left to go septic for 3 months until I had lots of aspirations, Cather bag to drain blood results in a major open surgery to remove massive ball of blood so not fun and iv been suffering ever since, I'm sure I have a lot of adhesion as well as nerve problem now.
Wow yes I agree I was in agony when needles went in I must say, I thought thy were going to numb area first ouch!! She said if it hurting she has found the right spot so fingers crossed, they only said it will take 3 weeks to feel effects and I b sore but my gosh I'm in alot of discomfort.
How did you get diagnosed with crps??
Had trigger point injections for 3 years in the past, every 3 months I would get 10 injections, it took about three months for me to get relief,and after three lots of injections (9 months) I had excellent pain relief. The first few were awful and really did question my decision. Unfortunately I had to stop after I suffered complications. I think it is a bit of a lottery, depending on your condition, I wasn't getting it for CRPS.
I have a several series of trigger point injections over the years, unfortunately yielding no results. However I have complex medical problems - one biggie undiagnosed at the time - that seem to overlap and may have interfered with getting any productive results. According to the specialist doctor I went to, it can take a series of injections to be effective over time. If it's not too costly it may be worth a shot as everyone is different and responds differently to treatments, so hang in there. I really hope it helps you! It certainly is a bit uncomfortable at the time of the injections but that wears off quickly, I found. Good luck my friend!