Has anyone had injections to their spine for pain? How did it affect you and was there any pain afterwards and for how long?
Spinal Injections: Has anyone had injections to... - Pain Concern
Spinal Injections

Have had four I think. One worked extremely well, the others weren't worth doing, so I decided that those odds weren't worth having any more done, when I also weighed up the risks that went with repeated steroid injections into the spine . However I do have a friend who swears by them for pain relief. She has bad osteoporosis though, and it's difficult to tell if steroids have made that worse or not.
Did absolutely nothing for me had them done twice,steroids can damage your bones if you have too many,I was told,and if you do get pain relief it only lasts a short while
I've had two nerve root block injections for leg pain caused by spinal problems if that's what you mean. The first one didn't feel a thing until the Dr hit the nerve and my leg jumped but it wasn't painful at all. Unfortunately it didn't last very long at all. The second one 18 months later I didn't feel a thing and I walked out of the hospital an hour later. This injection lasted for almost six months.
Thanks for taking the time to reply really appreciate it heading in this am for 1st read loads maybe too much think I've scared myself, maybe always better hearing personal experiences βΊοΈ
I was apprehensive about going the first time and wasn't sure it was the right thing for me but the staff at the hospital (u.k) were fantastic. They soon had me at ease and the procedure took about 45 minutes. The first Dr explained that it wasn't an exact science and they couldn't guarantee how long it would work.
Hi Sianr
Good luck for your injections Im new to the site but thought zi would reply. My first and 2nd ones worked but not the others thinking about you.

Auh thank you Dilly1 I really appreciate your reply , this site is great full of really supportive people trying to help one another been a member for a while but never asked a question, I feel better now just hoping I get some relief even for a short time ππ sorry addicted to emoticons lol

Hi Dilly1 how have you been today? Your reply and others this am gave me the confidence to just bite the bullet and go for it. All I can say is ouch!!!! Hopefully will be worth it in the long run if not then an experience which I've . Welcome to the site x
Hi Sianr
Thanks for your message these are my conditions fibromyalgia, lumber stenosis, degenerative disc disease, scololisis, and cervical spondylosis. I'm in pain 24 hours a day. Have a lovely evening xx

Hi Dilly1 wow you really have a lot to contend with , I have a cheek to moan about anything you wee soul , I hope you enjoy being a part of this site , we are all here anytime (when we are online lol) Its good to know we can post our worries and concerns and not be judged , only supported by those who understand what our daily battles are πππ
Thank you xx
I recently underwent a program of 3 visits to the back specialist. The first in the series, for one injection was quick, painless and left me with a little pain. The second in the series left me with reduced pain, and lasted about as long as the first. The third in the series consisted of two injections did not last anywhere near as long. Result is that the injections last less and less the more I put in my body. That being said, they certainly are better than the Doctor's prescription of Codeine and Paracetamol which merely makes me tired and leaves my back sore as hell.
Addendum, I am also suffering from arthritis in the spine and lower body, this might account for some of the recurring pain, perhaps my spinal condition has other complications that the injections aren't affecting, e.g. cordal clotting.
In conclusion, the final decision is yours, make your choice based on the knowledge you have to hand, research if you need more information, ask for second opinions from specialists elsewhere. Whatever your choice, keep in mind you will have to live with it.
Good luck.
Thanks Sammi_P I appreciate your reply, I've read loads done loads of research , think that's my problem , my conclusion Is that all the info has made that final decision even more difficult however I've made it now with all the replys I've just received and thank you for your time π
Hi sianr, i have been having injections in my spine for five years now, i have four each time i have it done I am one of the lucky one,s because they work for me, they don't work for everyone, but if they do work for you, you will feel the benefit within a few hours after you have had it done take it easy for the first couple of days but make sure you exercise your back gently . As we all react different to different treatments only you will know how long they will work for. Good luck i hope it works for you. Triciaj.
I had one set of regular (which helped for a few weeks) and then 3 sets of heated needle injections. The heat is to burn the nerve endings, which worked for a few months the first time, absolutely great! Unfortunately the last 2 times have had no result at all. Back to the drawing board
I am thinking about getting an injection done in 3 weeks and not sure if it's the right decision? But the pain is really bad in my feet and will see how I am in 3 weeks? But it is a gamble and I have reading on line some really bad experiences? So now anxious plus. Most say they get really bad headaches!
Hi Bunce I read loads online as well and the statistics of you finding positive feedback is small I've now been and I can say it's worth it , I weighed up the pro's and con's and posted a question here with great feedback which also helped me make my decision , good luck to you π
Good for some no good for others. I have had 6 now spread over 5 years, with no helpful effects, but every injection is put in a slightly different place and every back is different. My husband who has 3 bulging discs has had a number of them over the last 10 years, and every one of them has helped. You may want to have one then judge for yourself.

Hi thiskittybites I'm sorry to hear your injections didn't work , I totally agree all backs are different and what we gain from each treatment is different , thanks for your reply sorry it's taken me so long to respond I was on route to hospital yest then felt rather unwell afterwards. I hope you find something that helps you thanks for your time xx
Hi I had injections not so long ago.I won't tell you no lies it did hurt and it did make my head go funny not sure if it was a side effect.or me being a bit funny that I allowed someone to hurt me.
but I was told by the back specialist she doubts it do nothing for me.a few days after gradually it lesson in pain a few weeks after it's there still but it's not there if u know what I mean.I don't want to alarm you in any way it works for some better than others
This was my first one and allthoy I thought I was having an epidural.I do realise now it's meant to only hurt if done properly so that means if you got Doctor that isn't as good at doing this it may hurt but I am not sure if that's true either
It's got to be a lot better than a operation.but would I have it done again. Well the jury out on that one tbh.how I see things it's not so painful as it was before doing so to many of them are bad.if say these weeks it's not so bad how do I know if I am damaging it any further than it is already.
I am currently awaiting a referral onto a surgeon to see what they think and views on it .π·
backs a blxxdy things once they go they go.and it's either maintenance on the pain barrier
My advice thoy is try it yes it hurts and yes it may do nothing but it's worth a try once could be your answer to your problems
Good luck on what ever you decide π
Hi teetree thank you for your reply this am.
Just had the procedure . How you felt wasn't in your head, I feel strange nauseated slight headache and dizziness hopefully it'll pass soon.
It's true better to try something out than give it a by pass anything is worth giving a go if it helps the pain.
Good luck with your surgical referral I hope you get the outcome you wish.
Thank you again
SA π
HelloSian r. I have been attending the pain clinic for the past 8 years, twice yearly, for arthritis in lower spine. However, I have mine done under sedation and so feel nothing! I did have the first two lots done while awake, but I could not have tolerated that again as I was shaking on the operating table! The staff at my local hospital are great and have got to know me quite well. As for the length of time I am painfree after the jabs - it differs. Sometimes I am pain free for 4 weeks, and sometimes 6/8 weeks. Its a pity the length of time between them is so long, but I did hear that they will only give 2 lots of jabs a year so then its back to cocodamol - they dont work well but have taken much stronger pain relief, and that doesnt work either. I would love to know of a pain killer that did work!
Hi Annietap40
Thanks for your reply, getting it done under sedation would be a bonus I'm normally really interested in this kind of stuff but had to close my eyes and try block out what was happening , it was painful but we get over that , I'm hoping it gives me relief I can feel some already , the jabs are normally 6 monthly it's because of the side effects of the drug they inject , I think we all look for that wonder drug that works for us I hope you find something that helps x
Hi every1 I had these injection just over a week now an my pain is even worse than before does any1 no when these injections will kick in?
Hi Linzistables
In sorry to hear your still in a lot of pain.
Normally they say 72 hours or so you should feel it take effect .
I hope you start to feel better soon x
It took nearly 4 weeks for my nerve block to kick in so hang on in there as it might take time. That said its usually a short term fix but my consultant wanted to see if the nerve responded before he considered surgery. This kind of thing is as varied as we are so I'm sure everyone has their own story but I was glad I had the temporary relief it gave. Tx
Since 2009 I've had about 50 shots in my back, ranging from the T-9 to the T12, also had the L3/L4/L5 and S1. Mine has always hurt, hurts worse if you are awake. Dont get me wrong, I've been putting to sleep on a lot of the injections, just depends on who your doc is and if they offer knocking you out during injections. The L5 and S1 hurt alot, they do numb you up, but once they go through your layers of skin, muscles, and if you are unlucky like me and have scar tissue thats almost 4 inches thick from four back operations. When the injections are done, that area will be swallon and hurts for three days, for me anyways. Its hard to get comfortable, and if you have the L5 S1 and S1 area, both legs feel worse then growing pains as a kid growing up. I have never gotten much relief from injections, maybe 10%, having your nerves burned like i just had, left and right side, of the L4 L5 and S1 is the same as injections being perform, plus you stay sick because your body is trying to fight off what happen, bc it affects your central nervous system. The body thinks a cold or disease has enter the body. Let me know how it goes for you, the injections. If you would like to know more i would be happen to tell you my experience.
Your neighborhood
guinea pig
Hi Bryan08 local neighbourhood guinea pig lol , sounds like you've been through the mill, I'm sorry to hear you're not getting much relief from the course of inj , I hope you find something that works for you, thank you for taking the time to reply I appreciate all experiences , my consultant didn't offer to knock me out I'm quite glad tbh I would rather not have a croaky throat and feel sluggish from sedation , if it became unbearable I probably would. My area is rather sore feel like I've been booted up the backside lol I'll see how it goes this week hoping to get relief asap if it happens π
I have spine blocks for pain they last about 6-8 weeks some get 3 months. They are very good and work for me
Scuse my ignorance but would love to know what pain blocks are. I have steroid injections every 6 months for lower back arthritis - is it a similar procedure? Thanks
They are injections under live x-ray in theatre they inject steroid and a few others doing it this way they are able to get to the point of pain mine being the L5 and lower.
I also have a trapped nerve S1 joint causing pain down my leg I have radio frequency where they burn off the nerve this can last up to 2 years but the nerve can and does grow back.
Ask your GP to refer you to the pain clinic at your local hospital my treatment is done in day surgery
Hi all.glad the original poster. tried it.it will be not great great at first people.mines not exactly brilliant but than again it gradually better
I don't walk round like I xxxx myself so got to be a bonus
Soz it's the only way I can describe it lol
So bare with it I say hopefully it will gradually start to feel less uncomfortable for the people who jus had it done
Think the first ones the worse fear of the unknown
I have had two injections done under sedation about 6 months apart. The first one acted immediately and lasted for about 3 months, Actually, the pain was nagging for quite a while, but was preferable to the extreme pain before the procedure.
The second one took a while before I had any relief and then was only effective for 5/6 weeks. I am due to have a third, and probably final, one done in about a month. Then I have to take increasing number of pain killers as I am not suitable for surgery. But I am not looking that far ahead.