I have read over the years, that wheat, sugar, dairy, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers etc can contribute to arthritis pain and even cause it. Anyone on here obtained any relief from an elimination diet?
Diet and arthritis.: I have read over the years... - Pain Concern
Diet and arthritis.
Hi, yes tried it. No relief whatsoever. Asked Rheumatology and they said nothing had ever been proven regarding diet. Give it a try if you feel it works for you then go with it. Very best of luck.
L A x
Thanks LesleyAnne. No, life is tough enough without further deprivation. I thought they seemed rather sweeping claims.
It's true that in countries where those foods are eaten less there is less arthritis. But they have better weather and it may not be in their genetic code as much as western societies.
It's not a difficult thing to try and maybe like diets, it doesn't suit everybody.
Wheat has been a staple food for centuries but causes no end of problems, many go un noticed. We all know the effects of excess sugar has on our bodies. I gave up added sugar and reduced the amount used in cooking. Was a ropey 6 months but now I can taste sugar in things like crab sticks that shouldn't have sugar in them at all.
Maybe a regular detox would be better. It's short term and you can still eat the food you like inbetween. It can be a rough week with headaches and wooziness but at the end you do feel refreshed and full of beans. I would suggest planning the first one carefully, with someone on hand. But the more you do, thevless toxins you are flushing out, so the easier it becomes. I find it amazing that the body copes with such a small amount of food.
There are plenty to choose from on the internet and usually are days of fruit or veg, mixed, days with rice and mixed. You can eat as much as you need or want and you drink water.
Toxin build up must have a negative impact on our wellbeing, even if we can't see it becausecits at cell level.