Do I put how far I can walk without pain? About two steps. Or how far I can walk? More than 200m but in a lot of pain. Thanks
Pip form- how far can I walk?: Do I put how far... - Pain Concern
Pip form- how far can I walk?

Hi Rowantree
I think you do need to go into more detail even if it is on a separate sheet if the form does not give you enough room to full explain. I would literally say that you can't walk without extreme pain and discomfort if that it the case. Do you have to keep on stopping because of the pain and resting before you continue. Is the pain so bad that it overcomes you and makes you breathless and that makes you stop. If either or these is true it would mean that you could not in fact walk 200 metres, if you get my drift. Have you been on the Benefits and Work site as they have some marvellous information on there and the subscription fee is well worth the money. The information on there enabled me to help my husband win his appeal at tribunal when he was refused ESA. Best of luck with it.
Hi Rowantree
I totally agree with Rosewine that you need to give as much information as possible and what she has described was almost word for word what I put on my form. the fact you are unable to take any step without pain is a reason to put no distance without pain in the form box and explain more fully later in the form.
Take care and kindest regards
I was advised by an occupational therapist to always put down your worst symptoms. I agree with both previous replies, give as much info as you can, but always lean towards the worst days, as any good results will be honed in on to say you can manage. I use a stick and pelvic support, but not all the time, but I don't say this. I know this sounds rather untruthful, but they hone in on things like this. Good luck.
Hello Rowantree, speaking from experience if you are in any pain when walking say you cannot walk any distance without pain.And use the worst pain day level on your form i.e if the worst pain is 100% then say so, don't mention a day when its better at 50%.Because the claim is not about your good days it is about the very bad ones and the ongoing disability that causes. I have arthritis in my feet plus other joints and COPD but it took a long time to get DLA as it was, and PIP rules are harder still. The walking distance is much less for PIP than for the old DLA.Good luck
PIP is complex. It also has a face to face interview. You are going to have to seek the advice of a charity which specialises in doing PIP in your local area.
There is a manual called the disability rights handbook. See
It is important to read all of what it says about PIP in the disability rights handbook.
Agree with all above. The new PIP is worse than any ESA assessment. There is a huge backlog of outstanding claims - up to 8 months at last count but don't be put off. It is backdated to when you submitted your forma if you are successful.
One point they now take into account.
Safely, in a timely manner and I've completely forgotten the others. Will add when my brain wakes up.
Pat x
Well having filled in the form and looked at the points I seem to be one point of enhanced for care, and standard for mobility. Makes me a bit depressed when I realise all the things I can't do, and have to ask my partner or kids to do for me...
Hi rowantree..knew this is old post..I answered door to my atos person..she gave me funney look..thought wouldn't be good..I can a little..think they say its like size of a bus .can you walk that far..its load of stress knew that
hello hows you x
Trudy165.... Hi hunny xxxxx I've posted too you on other posts....I don't use this site as used too....I am sorry for the your loss xxxxxxx
xxxxxhow you...I've been to loads different happy mines back.paying to see a sepeclist in fribo.. M.e.....I hear your in pain again...I am so so...its my joints at moxxx have to write and up date mexxxx
I tried not to get stressed, decided might as well try for it. I dong look forward to the assessment, but it will be months away anyway
exactly say ithow it is x
Well I got turned down because I filled my form in and told them I could walk but very slowly and always in pain, when I went for the medical......she said I was fine even tho I struggled to sit and stand and they made this the main reason I was refused.
It isn't the pain they are bothered about it is the mobility issue concentrate on that. Explain your mobility issues and the reasons and use the fact your in constant pain which makes you feel low because it hinders your ability to do certain things and really take it from there.
Good luck

Oh this is not right...Its about being able to do things independently and how has your life changed. 1 Mobility How far can you walk in a normal manner?. How long does it take?Are you in pain? Do you use any aids? You need to contact your GP and PIP and go to Tribunal with this...they might say its too late I think you have one month from the date of the letter but you could tell your GP the pain is much worse and you are feeling very depressed and ask for stronger pain killers and then contact PIP and ask for a change in your is worse and you are depressed and feel you cannot go out anymore. You will go through it all again. Go to the Citizens Advice people they will fill out the form and explain the whole process to you. If you are still not happy when you get your letter then go back to the Citizens Advice with a appeal form and they both will help you, get lots of supporting letters from your GP etc Good Luck and research it all...its not easy but its possible dont give up..Annie