what could be a good pain medication !!!
i have bad pain in my knees and lower back i ... - Pain Concern
i have bad pain in my knees and lower back i have had one knee replacement and its still in pain what can be wrong ?

He ello
The new artificial knee will be irritating the bone that it fits into, also the tendons and associated bits are still suffering the trauma of the of the operation Most probably there could be scar tissue. All this will depend on when the operation was done, if it is over three months or less, it depends on you, it may be a good idea to see the GP if not happy.
Medications to take are best prescribed by the GP although the a PARACETAMOL/CODEINE mix should suppress the pain you are suffering from.
If the knee was replaced in the last decade it may be that it needs replacing. I have only considered it as a new joint.
Depending on what the situation is consider having words with your GP. Do not let this problem continue for to long as it can cause real problems. Some of which you would prefer not to have.
All the best for Xmas and New Year
I don't know how long ago you had the knee replacement, but if it is still hurting after a reasonable recovery time, then ask your GP to refer you back for an xray and a review. it is possible something isn't quite right in it that needs fixing.
I had a knee replacement a year ago & still suffering pain & associated problems Sometimes a knee replacement can take anything up to 2 years before you feel like your getting back on track. I just have to accept that even though I'm young at 47 to have this done it doesn't mean I will recover quicker...unfortunately
I had my knee replacement over two years ago and am still in pain. I can no longer bend my knee beyond 73% all due to bad after care and damaged scar tissue. I have good medication and can live with it, but if I had made a fuss earlier than I did they may have been able to do something! So if you are in pain or worried about it go and see your GP or better still the surgeon who did the op. They should be able to put your mind at rest but don't leave it and hope it will go away, because it won't.
Hi I had my right knee replaced 2 years ago.I had a blip about 6 months ago so I contacted my surgeon who did an x ray and sent me for some physio which did the trick. Good luck x
Hi had total knee done last July only last 2 months bad pain on outer side knee feelings of numbness alternating with sharp pain like getting small shock. Really hurts. Knee badly swollen.back to consultant rayed and dismissed to pain clinic put on OxyContin & Lyrica ...,bad reaction as I have other health problems Should I pay privately for 2nd opinion as surgeon believes he 's done all he can....