Been struggling with pain for 4 yearsTyears.
I have an appointment at a pain clinic in Jan... - Pain Concern
I have an appointment at a pain clinic in January. Can anyone tell me what to expect?

Does the trust that runs the pain clinic have a website? Our trust has a website including some videos
Hi Tranquility.
I'm awaiting a second appointment after a wasted visit some years ago, where they sent me away with a printout entitled "Reprogramming your mind". To me, this appeared to indicate that they either hadn't listened to a word I said or hadn't believed me.
Don't get me wrong, they were very nice people but after months of waiting and taking a day off work I felt insulted that this was the outcome.
I'm not saying that you will have the same outcome but I felt it was worth sharing my experience, just so you don't end up wasting half a day like I did!
All the best
sorry to hear that. I hope you get more satisfaction next time. Thank you for sharing, feeling not believed or listened to is horrible . Having the mental resiresilienc to cope with pain is important but not going to created by reading a leaflet and being dismissed. I hope you have found better support

Dear Tranquility
I am a moderator at Pain Concern and have just been reading through your post. It can be an anxious time, not knowing what to expect, and pain clinics, although having the same goal may vary from area to area, as I think someone mentioned in the replies.
At Pain Concern there is a podcast called Airing Pain that has some episodes that discusses pain management programs that you may find helpful.
I hope these will give you a little background on pain clinics, and you will find them interesting.
Best wishes
Pain Concern
thank you
Herniated diskdisks. Had a discectomy in 2021, but still have radiating paipain,, tingling, numbness and back pin.
I had that. The pain clinic offers guided injections and radio frequency after first going the medication route. In the end I ended up with a fusion but the other treatments are often all that is needed though.
Thank you for replying. Did the treatment give you relief? If you don't mind sharing, how long was it is first symptoms? I feel quite abandoned at the moment, it seems like pain clinicis the last chance for a positive change. GP just offers gabapentin and naproxen and seems very uninterested.
It started in 2016 and I first went to a muskeloskeletal guy who helped and sent me on to physio which did not help at all. I then experienced a terrible episode where I could not get off the floor, I was trying some exercises. Long story short after that I was sent for an MRI which showed a massive herniation. Had then xray guided injections. This did nothing for me and I was sent to a neuro surgeon, 6/7 months had passed by now. He did another MRI and said it now was slow onset CE and rushed me on the list for an operation which I had within 5 days. Fast forward. It kept on being painful and had another guided injection and in the pain clinic then a denervation. Then 2 more ops. Then the fusion. Since the fusion in 2020 things started looking up. I then started AT and daily walks of 4K. In my case because of CE it was just hard. But I know of people that have had fantastic success with the guided xrays and had them again a few years later
Thank you for sharing. You have my sympathy for having to through all that. My problems started in 2020 so I am a bit behind you! I also had a massive herniation and discectomy. It is hard to explain to people that the pain is ongoing. Everyone expects me to be better now. It'It's good to hear about other people experience and know I am not alone. Glad things are looking up for you.