My mum was diagnosed in Nov 2010 with stage 3c and has since undergone chemo (weekly taxol with carboplatin every third week), surgery and now more chemo before hopefully getting into remission. Fingers crossed!!! What an awful time this has been as I'm sure you are all so very aware of. I have just read on an American site ladies talking of maintenance treatment once they reach the goal of getting into remission and wondered if anyone knew what this meant and whether this was done here in the UK?
Maintenance once in remission: My mum was... - My Ovacome
Maintenance once in remission

What a relief it must be for you all that your Mum is now in remission. I have been in the clear since 2002 (fingers crossed!!) and know nothing of this.However, I got some materials from the Bristol Cancer Centre (now The Penny Brohn Centre) on maintaining health after having cancer. If you google in Penny Brohn Centre, they have a lot of info and factsheets. It's mainly supportive and alternative therapies, along with eating and vitamin recommendations. I found it very helpful. Hope it's helpful for your Mum too.
Wendy x
Thank you Wendy. Mum isn't quite there yet, 6 more doses of chemo then hopefully we will be there! I have read the 'maintenance' is using a drug called avastin and also taxol sometimes. Seems to be mixed results but will get mum to ask her specialist when she sees him next, it may be worth a try, who knows?! So wonderful to hear your story, great news and well done!!! Jess x
The medical people only treat the disease, and nothing else. NO advise has been given by oncologist in 5 years of recurrences, so as the Wendy says, it is up to you. In fact my oncologist doesn't agree with taking any minerals or vitamins in case they affect the chemo! There are plenty of books around with information on trying to overcome any recurrence, and if you have a support group near you they would be a good source of information and advice.

Thank you Viv, as I replied to Wendy above it seems the drug they use is called avastin so we will see what mum's oncologist's view on it is but I'm sure it will be a case of "we don't do that over here"!!
Keep you posted! Jess x
Hi Jess
You're right, I think the maintenance is taking avastin - there is a website called which is US based and will have more info. Not sure if the results were that significant clinically - ie they found that is helped but only marginally. But don't quote me! The site will direct you to the relevant journal with the exact findings of the study. Otherwise the ladies at Ovacome my know?? They seems to be pretty up on the latest treatment news.
Thanks Kerry. I think that is where I read about it, have read sooo much stuff I don't know what's any good or not!! Will have another read. Jess x