I was diagnosed with stage 2 endometrioid cancer five years ago. I went through chemo treatments: carboplatin and taxol. I even had IP belly washes of taxol. They are not doing these any longer in the US. Sadly, my cancer reoccurred six months ago. I was cancer free and in remission for five years. The return was a surprise but in a way not a shock. I know this stuff can and does return. A small tumor was found and removed. It was contained in adhesions (scar tissue). Nothing was found in my lymph nodes and nothing in the surrounding tissue. I had a PET scan and there was no evidence of any disease. My doctor asked me to go through 18 treatments of chemo. I did. Another scan taken and showed I was still clear—no evidence of disease. Now, he has placed me on maintenance chemo: taxol—four times the strength at a 30% reduced rate every 28 days. My question: Is anyone else at this same spot? Just turned 70 and I'm wondering about this type of maintenance treatment. Any studies on this that show it truly prevents cancer returning. I confess that I don't want to overdo the taxol treatment. Thanks.
Maintenance Chemo: I was diagnosed with stage... - My Ovacome
Maintenance Chemo

to clarify you currently are Ned?
Gosh, maintenance Taxel seems very heavy duty for someone who is NED…
Could you ask for a second opinion? xx
Thank for replying! I think so, too. I called the doctor yesterday and told him that I want to stop, and he said okay. I did one maintenance treatment and started all over again with side effects from the Taxol. I think the thing that bothered my dr a lot is the reoccurrence. He wants to push to make sure I go back into remission. I was working toward my 6th year of being cancer free. Now the clock toward 5 years has started all over again. Thanks for your reply.
I was on maint drug Avastin which kept my tumor from growing for years. Maybe ask you doc about that?
Leniko, Thanks for replying. My small tumor was removed last May. It was contained with nothing in my lymph nodes. This is a reoccurrence for me. I was stage 2 with endometrioid cancer 6 years ago. The only maintenance therapy they could offer now was Taxol at four times the strength but at a reduced rate of 30%. It was a once a month treatment. Honestly, I stopped it last Friday due to side effects. I had already gone through 18 treatments of Taxol and Carbo. Thanks again.