There is an important message in Ruth's blog about legacy giving. I for one would like to make a contribution for all the support I've had on here. A few of us have also been thinking about doing something for Ovarian Cancer Month next March in order to raise awareness of Ovacome and to raise funds for them.
This blog gives us a great opportunity to do something collectively across the UK and overseas. Macmillan's 'biggest coffee morning in the world' is a great idea because it works nationally on a grand scale but for individual hosts it can be as small or as elaborate as they wish it to be.
If we went ahead with this idea we'd need to develop our own collective event that everyone feels they can take part in if they want to. It would be brilliant if we could share ideas on the Ovacome blog and come up with something catchy that lots of us would like to contribute to. I know I'd feel a lot easier about running a little event if I could produce a flyer with the Ovacome Logo that explained it was part of a bigger picture.
One idea I had was to have a sponsored activity. Something that challenges us, and for anyone who takes part to do this activity on the same day and at the same time - for me Annie's Challenge might be to cycle 25 miles. Of course everyone's 'Challenge' would be different and personal.
I've read a number of blogs about various fundraising parties, runs, etc. It would be great to share our ideas and to see if something comes up that we could do collectively and independently.
Any ideas ladies?