Good Morning: Good Morning Beautiful ladies... - My Ovacome

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Good Morning

suzannehadenough profile image
19 Replies

Good Morning Beautiful ladies.

First of all can apologise, I feel like I have neglected you all in the past few weeks. I am sorry Sometimes i find it very hard to come on here. Im always scared to see who we may have lost. It saddens me so..

I have also had a very busy couple of weeks.

My friend Louise died on the 06th feb. Her funeral was on Tuesday. As you can imagine it was a tough day. It was a beautiful service and balloons with butterflies were released at the end. the sun was shining so bright and I am sure that Louise was there the whole time.

She will be sadly missed especially by her 13 year old son, I couldnt take my eyes of him on tuesday. I held my daughter close that night.

I have been up and down lately. Had a few more tests at the hospital and now there are talks of inflammatory arthritis. I need yet more scans now to see if this is the case. Ive had all the bloods done but i am waiting now for the scan appts.. Will it ever end i ask myself..

I have my three monthly check up on Monday Im hoping nothing has changed.. Always apprehensive as you all know its not a good time.

But hopefully after next week i will be going on 4 monthly checks instead of 3.

On a brighter note i think i may have a promotion at work. Some of you know that the practice i work for at the moment is being sold to a multi practice corporation. Well ther will be two in this area and the owner wants me to manage both. So thats some good news. I just hope i have the energy to do the job well.

Ok enough about me How are all of you.

Lots of love

Suzanne. xxxxxxxx

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19 Replies

Hi Suzanne,

So sad about your friend, I am so sorry.

Good news about your promotion though and so lovely to hear from you as always.

sending you lots of love x G x

suzannehadenough profile image
suzannehadenough in reply to

Thank you Gwyn. How are you doing?

Love Suzanne


Whippit profile image

Hi Suzanne,

It's lovely to see you on the site again. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It must really hit hard when you've both gone along similar journeys and tragic to leave a very young family.

Your blog really said it all. Life does go on. We pick ourselves, dust ourselves down and find good things to focus on. It's great news if you have a promotion on the cards. Just shows how much your current employer values you. Hope this comes with a nice fat pay rise too and it's not just double the work for no reward.

Let us know how it's all going.

Love Annie xxx

suzannehadenough profile image
suzannehadenough in reply to Whippit

Hello Annnie.. So so nice to hear from you.

Your right about life having to go on.. And I am re focused for the moment.. Im trying a new way of looking at things and trying to see the good and the positive in everything. Bit of a knock back with the arthritis thing but hopefully this will mean the pains in my legs will be sorted out..

I am a little scared of the promotion i just hope i have the energy for it..

How are you Annie? What have you been up to?

Lots of love

Suzanne.. xxxx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to suzannehadenough

Dear Suzanne

Arthritis is a real worry. I've just had to see the GP about the very same thing in one of my knees due to a skiing accident about 25 years ago. I've been given Naproxen 500g and it's reduced the swelling so the knee works OK and hopefully it won't stop me skiing when I go to Meribel in 2 weeks' time. At some point I'll be referred to an orthopaedic surgeon for keyhole surgery to clean up the knee and I can come off the tabs. I've decided on this route to avoid joint pain as much as I can when I'm on chemotherapy next time.

It's good to hear you're feeling refocussed and looking at the good and positive in everything. Don't beat yourself up about your take on life. I think we're probably genetically predispositioned and perhaps somewhat conditioned by our upbringing to see things in black or white, or in shades of grey.

It's always a bit scary taking on new responsibilities but flattering too that your new management think so highly of you. Just make sure they're aware of any health problems and make provision for this.

What have I been up to? Where do I start? Take a look at a couple of blogs about starting up an Ovarian Cancer Support Group in SE Wales, and Ovarian Cancer Month at the Velindre Hospital in Cardiff. I'm also helping out with an amazing fundraising and awareness-raising initiative that Jean (Yogin01UK) is involved in. We'll be putting up a post about that on Thursday when we get the display up in her Curves Gym.

The other thing I rather think I've been doing is abnegating housework and neglecting my dearest husband. This will be rectified over the weekend.

Loads of love xxx Annie

hi Suzanne

Lovely to have you back ,in the nicest possible way. You seem to be doing Ok! Well done on the promotion too. It says a lot after all you have been through and you must be highly thought of, which is alays nice to know.

So sad about Louise but as As Annie says ( that girl always beats me to it!) "life does go on" And who better than us know how important that is to us.

Good luck on the checkup.

Love Sue x

suzannehadenough profile image
suzannehadenough in reply to

Thank you Sue Its nice to be back.

I am doing ok for now . Hopefully ill have a good run..

Thanks the promotion is a big thing for me. Im a little scared but thats got to be a good thing..

Louise will be sadly missed but i know she would want every one to think of her at her best..

Thanks for the good luck,,

Lots of love and take care

Suzanne. xxx

charlie12 profile image

Hi suzanne

Lovely to hear from you sorry to hear about your friend , how sad.

Well done on your promotion, you deserve it by the sounds of things. The old scanxiety is not much fun is it , I think this is more common than is realised.

I am fine , still in pain but this is going down , perhaps one day it will go away. We went on a fab dive trip to Asia after the new year saw turtles and sharks...soon beautiful.

Lots and lots of love

Charlie xx

suzannehadenough profile image
suzannehadenough in reply to charlie12

Hi Charlie.

Thanks for your kind words. So sorry to hear your still in pain.

Your trip sounds AMAZING, id love to do something like that.. I would need a huge cash injection into my bank account first though. HaHa.

I hope the pain lessens on a daily basis Charlie.

Lots of love

Suzanne. xxxx

Hello Suzanne

Glad to see you back on here. So important when we get rocked by stuff, and losing Louise is really sad. Really doesn't make a difference if you know its coming, does it. Not surprised you hugged your daughter a lot that day. But good to hear about possible promotion. My tip: Instead of worrying about coping, write a list of 10 ways you can work smarter! Amazing what comes out of your head when you focus on things like that!

I am heading on holiday on Monday so in panic mode about that as still finishing off work and totally not ready... Good luck for you on Monday, hope all positive...


Sue xxx

suzannehadenough profile image
suzannehadenough in reply to

Hi Sue.

Where is your holiday going to be?

I hope you have a fantastic time. Thanks for your advice I may come back for some more. I get flustered sometimes when i have lots to do so some advise on prioritising my work load would be good. You seem to be a very organised person.. Enjoy yourself and take care

Lots of love

Suzanne.. xxx

in reply to suzannehadenough

I'm off to Rome! So much for being organised (a) i have done zip about getting ready, just doing stuff today bad (b) who on earth plans a trip to Rome in the middle of not only a general election but a papal one?

I am a GTD advocate -- a productivity system called Getting Things Done! Its ideal for not getting lost in a thousand competing bits of stuff with different priorities. After I get back I will do a blog on it if you like...! ;-)


Sue xxx

wendydee profile image

Hi Suzanne. It's always so sad to lose a friend. I have a very close group of womenfriends, we celebrated our 30th birthdays with great meals out, our 40th birthdays together with weekends away, we were 7 to begin with. We lost one after her 50th birthday and one after her 60th birthday. Both had brain tumours (weird, not connected) Now we're celebrating 60th birthdays with various experiences of our choosing. Now we're the Famous Five rather than the Secret Seven. We always remember the special times we had with the other two and wonder if they are somewhere, joining in with our various celebrations. We met at work, working together for several years, we were all promoted at various stages, so here's to good friends and promotions! :-D

Good luck on Monday. I'll be keeping everything crossed for you ;-)

Love Wendy xx

suzannehadenough profile image
suzannehadenough in reply to wendydee

What a wounderful but sad story.. Thanks for sharing. I only have a small network of real friends but they all mean so much to me..

Yes promotions.. Heres to them... I just hope i can cope.

Thanks wendy.

Lots of love suzanne.. Xxxx

Jan76 profile image

Dear Suzanne ,

So very sorry to hear your news about your friend Louise .

So nice to hear from you as always . It seems as though 2013 has so far brought a lot of sadness but we have to see round the corner from that and that there is sunshine and good news to be had .Yes indeed life does go on and we are hoping soon to get to see my new Great Niece Ariah who was born in last month in Lincolnshire .Was to have gone up this week but have not been too good .

Such good news for that there may be promotion in the pipeline although you have to remember to rest when you have the chance ...

Its something that I could never do very well ..always on the go but after last year I do now listen more to what the body tells me ...

Suzanne I will be thinking of you on Monday let us know how you get on ....

Love Jan xxxx

suzannehadenough profile image
suzannehadenough in reply to Jan76

Thank you so much Jan. I am hoping all will be the same when i go on monday.

So nice to hear about your new great Niece and what a lovely exotic name..

The promotion is scaring me a little as i know i do get very tired. I will take your advice and listen to my body. Lots of early nights me thinks..

I hope you are feeling better soon and that you have a lovely visit with your Niece.

Lots of love and hugs

Suzanne. xxxx

Anne-2 profile image

Hi Suzanne

Glad you feel strong enough to blog again. Losing someone close is so awful isn't it. My best friend and I were born on the same day in the same hospital and we always said we were twins. Sadly she died 10 years ago of pancreatic cancer but thirty years before she had had non - Hodgkins and was one of the first people in this country to have chemo therapy, and it gave her a wonderful life. I often think of her as a pioneer for the treatment- it was 1972 at the Royal Marsden.

It would be good for you to be promoted I think- such a boost for your morale- well done.

Love and prayers

Anne x

Hi Suzanne

So sorry to hear about your friend. This sort of thing knocks us for six doesn't it. I have been quite down lately after hearing of the losses we have had on this site, plus a friend of my sister in law who had written a beautiful letter to me when I was diagnosed. Didn't know me but still cared. However, life does go on and we must be thankful that we have had the enormous pleasure of 'knowing' these wonderful people, if only for a short while. There is more good in this world than bad.

Wonderful news on your go girl. I'm sure you will do an amazing job. I know it's scary, but one day at a time. They wouldn't have offered the job to you if they didn't think you had all the qualities for it.

Love and hugs coming your way

Chris x

Archiebanana profile image

Hi Suzanne

Glad the funeral went ok, must have been very difficult for you. You are being very strong and getting through this. I always find it worse this time of year anyway, but Spring is just round the corner..with new hope.

Well done on your promotion...sure you will be amazing!

Love Linda xxx

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