Thanks for all the replies re my colonoscopy couple of weeks back. The procedure was very painful, and they couldn't complete, I was told I have severe diverticulitis throughout the colon, and need. CT colonoscopy now which is booked for the 13th March. Wednesday I had both hernias repaired one in groin and abdomen apart from a bit sore doing ok. Am still anxious as to what is going on in my bowel. I just know it doesn't feel right so will await next results after CT.. It all feels a bit relentless at times. The energy it takes staying upbeat is exhausting . Reassuring family and friends is tough when inside I am anxious. Am sure others feel the same. It's just helps to put it down and get it out of your head. Sleep pattern is all up in the air again that's because thoughts go through your head in the quiet. Enough of my rambles thanks for reading if you have got to the end of this. Much appreciated Dee
Good morning 3rd day post op: Thanks for all the... - My Ovacome
Good morning 3rd day post op

All very understandable.....what a drag. But what a lovely photo! Xx
It sounds as if you've been through a lot, Dee. Your colonoscopy sounds really scary. I'm glad they've mad C alternative arrangements. Are you able to come to COPES in March, you can have a word with a CNS hopefully, then, or ring the nurse helpline at Ovacome. It sounds as if you could do with talking it all through with someone who will really understand what you're coping with. I agree, it's so hard to be bright and reassuring with friends and family sometimes. We're balancing our own health, our emotions and anxieties with trying to reassure our nearest and dearest. A hard act!
Love Wendy xx
You've certainly been through the mill with this. Not too long to wait until 13th March so hope you can relax and get some sleep.
Lovely photo!
Hi Dee it looks as if you are having a lovely walk in beautiful surrounding there. I am not surprised you are sore and tender, it is very early days yet. I agree with you it is hard being upbeat about this illness but we have to take every day as well as we can. If you are plagued with thoughts at night it is not good for you and I suggest you ask your gp for help either in the form of a sleeping tablet or for referral to a support group or counsellor. It is hard to speak with a stranger but it can be easier than staying upbeat in front of your family.

Yes it was a lovely time with my grandchildren. Those moments keep me going . Thanks for your helpful comments Dee
Thank you , I had a better night last night . Dee
Thank you
What a fab pic your right the moments keep you going .... love the fresh air .... your journey sounds awful .... sharing does make it better I find and if others have been through the same it makes things even better as you realise your not alone ... big hugs 🤗
Hi Deesales, worry can make you more ill. I keep pen and paper next to my bed. When I can't sleep I write down what's circling my brain. I "give it to the list". That helps to stop the rumination. Worry saps my energy so I've gotten very, very good at focusing on the here and now. When you start to worry get up and move around, that helps to calm anxiety.
Hi Hun hope your doing ok, hope to see you at copes on sat xx
Waiting times are really hard so thinking of you