1 More Chemo: Hi Everyone, Well I had my... - My Ovacome

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1 More Chemo

doreenharwood profile image
20 Replies

Hi Everyone,

Well I had my appointment yesterday with my oncology doctor just to check how things are progressing and see if I was fit enough for my last chemo on Thursday 22nd Nov. All was well so I'm having my final chemo this year in a couple of days time. He has booked me in for a CT scan at the beginning of January to see how its all going in abdomen as I had my Hysterectomy in October. What was interesting was after the op they found a tumour in my right Fallopian tube and although he is not 100% certain he though my cancer may have started in my tube. I have read this is very rare and only happens to 1% of ladies. Has anyone else been diagnosed with Fallopian tube cancer ? and if so what have you been told.

Hope you are all having better weather than we are in Kent its very wet and drab here today.

Love and Hugs to you all Babs x x

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doreenharwood profile image
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20 Replies

Hi Babs

Great to know there's only one more chemo to go. Re your Fallopian tube question, I've come across several sources saying the tubes can frequently be the point of origin of OC. Here's a link to one. cancer.stanford.edu/gynecol...

The sun has come out here for the first time in days. Hope it reaches you soon.

All the best for Thursday.


Linda xxx

Hi Babs,

Best wishes for Thursday....I have heard of this... at the time of my operation my surgical oncologist said they wanted to make sure mine didn't start in the Fallopian tube.. but it hadn't.. Lots of love x G x :-)

wendydee profile image

Replied earlier but it got lost in the ether! Just to say I am so pleased it is all getting towards the end. I do so hope that the chemo and the op have cleared things up for you. If it started in the tube, does that mean it is more likely to be isolated? Hope so!

Good luck for your last chemo. I'm really looking forward to meeting you on the 28th. :-)

Love Wendy xx

doreenharwood profile image
doreenharwood in reply to wendydee

He was not sure if it was isolated, because I had 4 chemos before the operation. He said it could have started in several places but the chemo had shrunk most of the tumours and the only one they found was the one in my right fallopian tube and in the mucosa. I am feeling positive now that things are on the up. I also saw the news today about Ovarian Cancer which gives us all hope.

See you on the 28th I plan to get there about 11.30 am

Love Babs x x

Jan76 profile image

Hi there Babs ...

I am so very pleased for you that your last one is in sight that is such good news ....

So it must be treat time after that !! you so deserve it .... and isn't it your birthday on Friday ?

Time for a bit of a celebration xxxx

Love Jan xxx

doreenharwood profile image
doreenharwood in reply to Jan76

Hi Jan,

Yes its my Birthday on Friday my husband and I are going for a meal after my chemo on Thursday as he will be at work Friday evening. On Friday my daughter and my three grandchildren are coming for a Birthday Tea which will be lovely I always enjoy seeing them. I feel I'm finally at the end of a long and hard six months just want to start enjoying things again for as long as I can.

love Babs x x x

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to doreenharwood

Hi there Babs ..

catching up after a busy couple of days ..Do hope all went ok for your last chemo and that you have a wonderful meal tonight xxxx

Its one step at a time go forward and enjoy xxxxx

Love Jan xxxx

lisarm5 profile image

Hi babs, my cancer originated in my fallopian tube and then spread to the ovary. My consultant said that this was very rare but that pity would be treated exactly the same as if it had started in the ovary. I don't know if that helps but she really wasn't that concerned snoot where it originated and even said that some experts believe that ovarian cancer starts in the fallopian tube???? Glad to hear you're nearly at the end of treatment, hope it all goes well and that its all good news from now on. Lisa xxxx

lisarm5 profile image

I'm sorry for those awful mistakes, its my phone and predictive text, does make hilarious reading sometimes lol xx

Archiebanana profile image

Hi Babs

Good luck for Thursday, it's a wonderful feeling knowing it's your last chemo!

Love Linda xx

doreenharwood profile image

Hi Linda, I feel I'm at the end of a long and hard journey. We must all be positive and carry on fighting this.

Love Babs x x

Hi Babs

Yes The cancer (not mine no ownership!!!!) started in my left fallopian tube and had just spread to my ovary when they eventually operated. Oncologists said that as not much is known they treat as ovarian!

So great you are on your last chemo. Afterwards is frightening flying solo but exhilarating too

Luv'n'hugs Suex

Archiebanana profile image

Hi Babs

I know how you feel, it's great to be at the end of that long road...well done! It's a little scarey at suddenly being 'out there' again but it's a a fantastic feeling knowing no more hospitals for a while. What a perfect way to be able to celebrate your Birthday.

Love Linda xx

osborne1963 profile image

Last chemo is something to celebrate. And just in time for Christmas too. Brill.

Jackie x

Oh the freedom! Just think, no more bruised and abused arms! Those pesky effects receding and disappearing! Good luck, and well done! X

Whippit profile image

Dear Babs

You must be demob happy today. Hope all goes well tomorrow for your final and last Chemotherapy - and all the birthday celebrations.

Professor Hani Gabra said that Ovarian Cancer starts in the fallopian tubes and they really should rename it as it isn't Ovarian at all but arrives in the ovaries as a secondary tumour. I was really cheesed off when I found that out as I only had one fallopian tube to start with and thought it was pretty bad luck.

Now enjoy the freedom of no hospital visits, no sickness or tiredness - just fun, love and laughter.

love Annie xxx

MargaretJ profile image

Hi Babs!

Great news, you should be feeling better in time for Christmas!

No idea where my cancer started! There were tumours all over! Now I seem to be tumour free for the time being!

Love M


Anne-2 profile image

Hi Babs

So glad to hear your chemo has finished. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!


Anne x

Sunflowersue profile image

Hi Babs,

So pleased to hear all is going to plan, last one before Christmas and your birthday, make sure you really celebrate. You certainly deserve it. I have appt with consultant tomorrow and chemo Friday. So will be thinking of you lots this week. Have a good birthday, lots of love Sue xx

doreenharwood profile image

Hi Ladies,

Thank you for a your nice messages, so looking forward to not going to Maidstone hospital for at least 6 weeks. After tomorrow my next visit will be the 7th January for my CT scan. So hope everyone else is feeling good and on the mend.

Lots of Love Babs x x

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