Still keeping the Beast at bay: Hi everyone I... - My Ovacome

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Still keeping the Beast at bay

5 Replies

Hi everyone

I haven't blogged about my health situation for quite some time... Too busy organising party games!

But I thought I'd update you. Some of you might remember that I had a bit of a panic attack over abdominal pains during the summer and although my GP and my onc both felt they were probably still post-op I was referred for a CT scan. I had this last month and saw the consultant last week. All clear as regards OC :-) :-) however, the scan showed up something not quite normal on my breast tissue so now I've got an appointment at the breast clinic in a couple of weeks. This is really more of an irritation than a worry as I had a routine mammogram back in September and no recall. And my onc also said that CT imagery isn't great with variations in breast tissue and that this particular radiologist is known for being ultra cautious.

When I had my very first mammogram 6 years ago I was recalled. They did an ultrasound scan and were satisfied that what was being picked up were just cysts. I haven't had any more recalls and I assume they do refer back to the baseline information to see if there have been any changes. (Is it naive of me to assume that what I would regard as a common sense approach is standard practice?)

Anyway, today I phoned the consultant's secretary at the breast clinic to find out if they would have seen my mammogram results (these were done at a different hospital). On her advice I've now left a message with my local breast clinic to see if I can get them to send my mammogram results to Belfast.

I don't mind if they do an ultrasound scan when I go to this appointment but I would rather not have to have something like a needle biopsy if it isn't necessary.

So, how am I feeling? Delighted I'm clear of OC, not worried that they'll find anything at the breast clinic, but just a bit annoyed at having to go there at all and at having to make sure they have all the relevant information because the system isn't properly joined up. But I suppose it's not much to complain about really.

Have the best weekend you can everyone.



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5 Replies

Hi Linda,

I am so pleased that your scan results were good....I can sympathise with the mammogram I was recalled once (before I had OC) and it is a worry... but mine was just tissue breaking up we were so relieved...but best not to assume the worse...sending my love and best wishes

x G x :-)

wendydee profile image

Hi Linda,

It's good to hear from you and great that the scan results were good. Try to think on the positive side, it's not often that lightening strikes twice.

I'm sending you hugs (((xxx))) and posivibes, {~~~~~~~} across the ether.

Have as good a weekend as you can. Maybe a glass or two to let you float off to sleep, if you feel like it ;-)

Love Wendy xx

Jan76 profile image

Hi there Linda ..

Lovely to hear from you ....

Great news re your scan results xxxx

I do so hope that you will soon have your mind put at ease when you know a bit more ....

Love Jan xxxx

Hi Linda

Good news about the scan. Well done for being so proactive with making sure all info is in one place for the ultrasound. All a bit of a hassle but so very much worth doing.

Monique x

MargaretJ profile image

Hi Linda!

Good to talk to you again.

Glad the scan results were good! I echo Monique re the ultrasound. Glad they are keeping tabs on everything!

Fingers crossed for you and sending positive vibes!

Love Margaret xxxxxxxxx

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