Review a Hospital: I would be interested to see... - My Ovacome

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Review a Hospital

Irene profile image
26 Replies

I would be interested to see how the various hospitals fair in regard to treating ovarian cancer. Are you likely to activate this feature on the Ovacome page?

After having OC many years ago I now have to go for further surgery for cysts of unknown origin in my pelvis. I'm now discovering there are 'Centres of Excellence'. The hospital where I had my original surgery and chemo now tell me they don't do either.

It would be useful to compare the suggested hospital COE, against the experience of others.

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Irene profile image
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26 Replies
MargaretJ profile image

Hi Irene

I have not heard of any such review! It really depends wherebyou live! I live in York, when I was diagnosed, in 2009, it was local policy for all gynae cancers to be treated at St James' in Leeds, which is a centre of excellence. Now I might just be treated in York?

St James' in Leeds has an international reputation and has given me first class treatment!

Hope that helps!

Good luck!

M xxxxxx

cerise profile image

Good morning Irene

I am fortunate enough to live near to Clatterbridge hospital on the Wirral, which is a COE. My experiences there have been predominantly positive. I had a full hysterectomy at the Women's in Liverpool. My surgeon was wonderful and I in the main I felt confident about my treatment - although I think I drove them mad sometimes with all my questions! I have my last chemo this month so keeping everything crossed!

I am sorry to hear that you have to have further investigations and send my very best wishes for the best possible outcome.

Sue x

I have been treated at The Christie in Manchester since 2006. I don't actually know if it's a Centre of Excellence but would be very surprised if it isn't. It's a specialist cancer hospital. I've always liked the fact that my oncologist and his team only deal with ovarian cancer and its variants. There will always be some niggles when you spend a lot of time at a hospital but overall I cannot fault in any significant way the standard of care I have had, and continue to have, at this hospital.

Hi Irene,

When I was first diagnosed I went to a general hospital... But when I was diagnosed with OC I was referred on to a specialist gynaecological oncology unit and was told that this was a government go where there is a specialised hospital with more experience in you particular cancer....I went to the "Womens Hospital Liverpool" for my op and went to "Clatterbridge" for chemo but still under the same team of oncologists and had excellent care love x G x :-)

in reply to

Whippet's blog covered this on the 21st April you might want to look there it is tagged under "NHS" or " treatment" xx

in reply to

22nd of April I mean titled "what NHS trust

Irene profile image
Irene in reply to

Thanks Gwyn will have a search.

vintage62 profile image

Hi,Have not posted before,but St James' in Leeds is excellent.I was given 5 star care.Operation and after care were really good,I can't fault the treatment I recieved.

Whippit profile image

Dear Irene, yours is an interesting question. Please do have a look at my blog as it has a lot of information about various hospitals and treatments - indeed trials too. The problem is, I guess, that it is highly subjective but good all the same to have an idea what's available elsewhere if you want a private referral. Good luck with your enquiry. Xxx Annie

angelina profile image

Hi, My hospital is Torbay hospital where I was investigated for the disease......but had

my op at Royal devon and Exeter hospital where they have a specialist team for OC.

My chemo treatment has continued at Torbay but I still see the team from Exeter,and

I can't fault the treatment and care I have received from the doctors at either hospitals.

Angie xx

Samsara profile image

Hi - in 2011 at 81 years old, I was treated in Worcester Royal for OC: Faultless - cannot speak too highly of the care I received, both surgical (complete EVERYTHING out) and nursing care were wonderful.

in reply to Samsara

This is so encouraging to hear Samsura...thank you.. sending you my love x G x :-)

Samsara profile image
Samsara in reply to

......thank you, and love to you also. Isn't this the most incredible site? To be able to see the stories of all these amazingly brave ladies and feel part of the great sisterhood of women who are just so supportive and caring.

in reply to Samsara

You are right about that Samsara...glad to see you are doing

X G X :-)

suse profile image

Hi Irene, I was diagnosed at the Royal Preston nhs trust hospital in Lancashire,had surgery there and then chemo,and i now attend for check ups.The staff there are amazing, gave me lots of support and still do .

Sue xx

Irene profile image

Thanks guys, this is really useful. What I really wanted to know though is whether Ovacome would include the Health Unlocked option to Review a hospital.

Our GFG page and Thyroid UK make use of this and find it useful. You pop your postcode in and can see hospitals in your area and see how other patients have scored them e.g. for thyroid or coeliacs.

I'll do a second post and put a screenshot up so you can see what I'm getting at. Can't put a picture on here.

Irene profile image
Irene in reply to Irene

Can't seem to add screenshots. But if you hop onto some of the other HU pages you will soon see what I'm talking about. My Q to Ovacome is can we have the hospital feature activated on this page as it could be a real benefit.

in reply to Irene

Hi Irene,

Couldn't you send an email to OvaCome and HealthUnlocked suggesting this? Seems a good idea to me.. they might not have thought of this and there is no harm in making a suggestion the box is on the right hand side to do this

I thought your question was more in depth..than the answers you are getting

Best wishes love x G x :-)

Irene profile image
Irene in reply to

Thanks Gwyn - have sent direct msg. :-)

in reply to Irene

Good! I think Wendy has made enquiries too x G x :-)

wendydee profile image

When the ROCCs first reviewed this site, prior to going 'live' , the 'review a hospital' section was on it. I posted a review of the hospital where I had my op and follow-up treatment. That was Southend hospital, which is brilliant for OC treatment and support. Don't know why the section isn't on here now. I will ask! Let you know if I find out anything

Love Wendy xx

in reply to wendydee

Good for you Wendy what would we do without you is a good idea...cheers love

x G x :-)

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to wendydee

I emailed Louise at Ovacome and they are currently trying to find a way to add something like this. The issue is complex for OC, involving local hospitals and regional centres. They are aware of the complexities involved in the comparisons.

Love Wendy xx

Lily-Anne profile image

Hi all,

No idea what a centre of excellence is, however, my treatment is at Northampton General and I have nothing but praise for my consultant, the care I have had to date has been incredible and although I'm back for a second op, I'm hoping it will be just as good. I've not lived in this area long and when I heard I had a cyst my first thought was to go back to Essex for treatment as I knew the hospitals, am so pleased I followed my GP's advice and stayed reasonably local.


Whippit profile image

Dear Irene

I think if there is an area for hospital reviews it would be helpful to have an official objective review including the hospital's funding as well as our own subjective experiences. My hospital is The Velindre - a specialist cancer hospital in Cardiff. If I were to review it I would like to be able to identify what elements of provision are good or not so good.

For instance:

Oncology Advice Poor

Reason: I wasn't allocated a specialist OC Oncologist

Oncology Nurse Excellent

Reason: Prompt response to phone messages, friendly and practical advice

Environment Mediocre

Reason: Too few staff at Reception, Overcrowded Waiting Areas, Overcrowded

Day Wards, Lack of appropriate electronic and visual system to call

patients to appointments, cupboard-sized consultation rooms with no

PC to look up patient notes.

Information: Excellent

Reason: Comprehensive patient packs

Organisation: Poor

Reason: Muddled referral system. Patients can 'slip through the net'

I rather think there are two reasons The Velindre would fare badly in my opinion - under-funding compared to hospitals in England, and an unimaginative management team.

Perhaps as Ovacome held a consultation event before there might be opportunities to contribute again if the Hospital Review idea does progress.

Thanks so much for putting up this blog. It's been quite an interesting exercise to think about the local provision.

xx Annie

Irene profile image
Irene in reply to Whippit

Thanks for forumulating this excellent reply Annie. Very good points..

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