Had my surgery: Well Im home now after my... - My Ovacome

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Had my surgery

sunny1 profile image
14 Replies

Well Im home now after my complete hysterectomy and omentum removal, the surgeon said it was a difficult op but it went better than he expected it to, the bowel was unaffected so I didnt wake up with a stoma bag wooo hooo. He said he 'ran his hand round my liver' but it felt smooth so seems that theres no cancer there, but that there are 'plugs' of cancer behind my liver. What these plugs are attached to I dont know but I knew before the surgery that there was a bit here that the surgery couldnt remove, I need to speak to the consultant when I see him on the 12th April to find out exactly what this means. Im waiting for a referral to the Marsden for more chemo so Im hopeful that whatever chemo I go on will get rid of whats left in me.

I was doing well after the op and on day 4 started being violently sick, they put me on 3 types of IV antibiotic and these made me violently sick too, I was in there for 9 days, went to 49kg in weight and was so sick for a few days. I had 2 units of blood and 2 huge bags of potassium, and was constantly on a drip for fluids and paracetomol, it was a miserable time I have never felt to ill, I couldnt even really talk to my parents when they came to see me I was so weak. My wound had a bleed so I was trying to hold my stomach whilst retching, it was truly horrible.

ANyway, the worst is over, Im home now being looked after by my Mum, and apart from walking about a bit slowly Im doing well. Oh, when I had my clips out there was one that got stuck and eventually had to have a dr put a local in there to get it out. Thankyou to Isadora for being a huge support whilst I was in hospital and afterwards xx

Now, lets just hope they can give me a kick ass drug to blow the rest of this away.

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sunny1 profile image
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14 Replies
FlorenceW profile image

Hi Sunny1..

Wow what a time you've had....glad the op went well...and you're home. I had the same op 2 years ago......it takes some time to recover so be kind on yourself.

The sickness must have been terrible...you poor thing.

I'm having chemo at the Marsden...they're an amazing team...so a goodplace to be.

Best Wishes


bosue profile image

Hi Sunny.

pleased you are at home and on the road to recovery,it just takes a time dont over stretch yourself,sounds like you had a bad time, just take things carefully.and as you've said the worst is over, walk a bit rest a bit. Love Sue x

BusyLizzie profile image

Hi Sunny,

It's over! You can put that behind you, thank goodness and now focus on recovering. Take it easy, it's going to take about 6 weeks before you start looking and feeling yourself again. I too lost a lot of weight, but I found my body kicked in with appetite and I ate lots and soon I got a bottom again ;-)

Take care, and let us know how it goes.

Love Lizzie


sunny1 profile image

Thanks ladies xx

I definitely feel it is going to take a while to feel physically like me again, Im normally as strong as an ox despite being 5 foot tall and 8 stone normally!

wendydee profile image

Hi Sunny

So glad the worst is over. Your surgeon sounds really experienced, as mine was. He said "I think I've got it all" and it has proved to be so, so far. They are clever chaps these surgeons! The RM is wonderful and although you have had such a grotty time of it, you will soon be building up strength again.

Take the time to have some serious quality pampering. Facials, listening to soothing music, warm baths and a glass of wine if you feel like it!

Take care of yourself and let those around you spoil you

Love Wendy xx

MargaretJ profile image

Hi Sunny!

You certainly had a rough ride with the op. now, to echo the others, is the time for serious pampering. Above all no lifting! Not even the kettle! I devised a strategy for making hot drinks: use a jug to fill the kettle and fill a mug by holding it below the worktop and tilting the kettle to pour into the mug. Ergo! No need to lift the full kettle! Works for hot water bottles too!

Be extra kind to yourself and enjoy the sunshine and the flowers.

Love Margaret

Whippit profile image

Dear Sunny, Thank goodness the op is over. How strange to be so violently affected after a couple of days. It must've been awful.

I had a lot of little florets in my lymph nodes which couldn't be removed. Six doses of chemotherapy knocked the little terrors on the head. Good luck with your recovery. Hope you can bask in the lovely warm sun. My surgeon said 'lift nothing heavier than a credit card during your recuperation!'

I treated myself to a push button kettle that dispenses a cup of boiling water and kept that by the bed. In fact it's so handy it's still there and in use every day.

I hope you're feeling A1 soon.

Take care.


daisycandoit profile image

Dear Sunny, brings back memories, I used to have those liquid meals, Ensure, I echo all that had been said by the others, rooting for you, lots of love Diane xxx

GeorgeSuffolk profile image

Hi sunny

Wow you certainly went through it, I was sick for one day, 3 days post op and that was bad enough, the pain from the retching was terrible, holding on to the wound hoping it wouldn't burst open. At least the worst is behind you now, good luck with the rest of your treatment, sending wishes for long remission in the future.

Love George x

ladygooner-uk profile image

Hi sunny

glad you're back home, slowly recovering. to echo the others, it brings back memories!

get some of those chemo drugs in to kick ass,take it easy and be kind to yourself!

take care



suzannehadenough profile image

Dear sunny1, having just read your descriptions on our surgery i can honestly say that i went through exactly the same thing last summer... it was hard work and very painful i ended up staying in hospital for 9 days.. then when i got stronger started my chemo.. 8 months on and a lot of hard work i had my after chemo scan results last tuesday and it was clear.. so im hoping for the same for you come on girl you can do it.. and im here if you need any help..

lots of love

suzanne. xxx

sunny1 profile image

Thanks for your replies it means a lot. Im doing well 3 weeks on, the scar is sore but not painful Im not taking any pain meds in fact I havent since the op really. I hope my next chemo isnt a hairloss one as my hair is growing back really well now it would be a shame to have to start all over again but then if thats what its got to take to get rid of this beast then so be it. Does anyone know what they mean by 'plugs' that I still have I think they are up near the diaphragm but Im not entirely sure.

sunny1 profile image

Hi all, for those of you that have had the op, is it normal for the scar/stomach to feel tight at times, like I cant stand up straight properly because its so tight. Im using bio oil on the scar to help this and to fade it (not that Im really bothered about the scar tbh)

3 weeks in now and Im doing well, people tell me I look really well. However sometimes my stomach just feels generally sore and tender but then I have to remind myself of what Ive had done!

Kate x

charlie12 profile image

hi Kate

Well done for getting through the operation.

It's 100% normal for the scar to be tight and sore for a while, three weeks is nothing , it really isn't. I am very impressed that you don't need any painkillers , your surgeon must have done a very good job. But it's still very early days , it's a huge operation even when there aren't any other issues.Mine was sore for 6 weeks plus , it's probably the tissues knitting back in together and all the healing that needs to take place.

I'm so pleased that you are being sent to the Marsden , these well known teaching hospitals really know what they are doing and the evidence is that they get the very best outcomes.

Try and take things very easy,

Big hugz

Charlie xxx

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