Hello Everyone
This is my first post to the forum but I have accessed the site on most days for the past few months and I have been impressed with the empathy , honesty shown and the advice provided by the community. My stage 3C OC journey echoes that of many of the group. I was diagnosed in November 2018 with a 19 cm tumour with no symptoms experienced until about 8 weeks before but dismissed as approaching old age or IBS. At first my condition was deemed inoperable but my wonderful oncology team fought hard on my behalf, a laparoscopy was performed and it was then considered possible to operate. I don’t think that I would have believed that I could be so delighted to hear that I could now have a major op! Debulking came and went successfully followed by 18 weeks of chemo, 15months in remission another round of chemo....carboplatin and caelyx…I found this much harder than the first time. From January 2021 things seem be on an even keel but the next two scans showed signs of osteoporosis probably not caused by, but possibly exacerbated by the chemo and a small blockage in my left kidney. I am now being advised to have not just one stent but two - one in each kidney. I have had no pain but my oncologist took time to show me the past three scans where it was obvious that the effects of the blockage were increasing so I need to have them inserted before it becomes an emergency situation. Has any one had stents inserted long term? If so, do you have any advice re side effects or strategies to minimise any discomfort?
Honor x