Last February I finished my second line of chemo and soon after developed debilitating breathlessness. It is really affecting my life, but it seems there is nothing I can do about it.
My haemoglobin is 99 which is not excessively low, I have had a chest X ray, ECG, CT of thorax, abdomen and pelvis and blood test to check iron and B12 levels. As far as the oncologist is concerned there is nothing too concerning.
However, I have received a report following our latest consultation, and it states that I have "persistent macrobiotic amaemia" which I googled, and discovered that I have fewer but enlarged, red blood cells. Since the oncologist has not suggested any way of improving this condition, has anyone on here come across this condition? Even going upstairs, or making the bed leaves me short of breath, and I need to sit and rest even when doing small household jobs.I