I have been on this forum for over 5 years now. I feel extremely fortunate to still be checking in to read posts although I haven’t posted in forever. I have just had 3 rounds of carbo caelyx for my second recurrence and it’s not working. My options are weekly taxol or a trial? The mirasol trial has been mentioned but when I put it in the search bar on here to see real experiences of the drug IMGN853 / MIRV / Mirvetuximab Soravtansine there is not really any information. I believe the drug was used in the FORWARD 1 trial, and a trial called SORAYA ?? The tumours have to have a folate receptor alpha. My question I suppose is do any of you ladies on here have any experience or tips from being on this drug?? I have done the google search, but it doesn’t give me any real life experience information?? Love and hugs to all of you on here. I don’t know how I would have managed without you all.
Mandy, xx