Hi all, I was due to receive my last chemo on Monday 25th Jan, but I have developed some neuropathy on both hands, on my finger tips. It seems very painful sometimes. My nails look funny as in colour and I can't open lids, jars, or sometimes find difficult to press on things. I have been told that if I continue with chemo, I may have permanent damage. As it was my last chemo, they may not give me one as it was single dose of Abraxane. Has anyone been in this situation? What are they doing to solve this? Thanks so much
Chemo Neuropathy on fingers: Hi all, I was due to... - My Ovacome
Chemo Neuropathy on fingers

Difficult decision isn’t it.I had neuropathy badly in first, 5th & 6th(last ) of my carbo/taxol ,severely in arms ,legs& ends of fingers & toes,but made the decision to continue as had in my head that I must get through the whole course .Now 8mths on most of the effects have gone except occasional tingling which is fine! Having said that we all react differently from treatments & we have to weigh up the risks & benefits 🤔I’ve been left with a very bitter tongue, horrible but can live with it & feel if these are the only things I’m left with extremely thankful.Chemo is such a lethal poison I think we would be lucky to come through without damage but if it kills the cancer ..result! Sorry just giving my thoughts , hope it helps ! Big hugs Dee X
I agree with Dee... you have to weigh things up. I had the type of neuropathy you describe on carbo/taxel but it did resolve once the chemo finished but I had other things that stayed, like tinnitus, balance issues and cataracts. Fortunately none too bad I couldn’t put up with them xx
Hi, I also had it in my fingers - not very badly - but I was told to keep my hands as warm as possible and do ball gripping exercises . I presume this keeps the blood supply going and therefore helping with the neuropathy. It is better now than it was but I don't have the strength in my hands I had.Good luck
Hi Erinna, I will try keep my hands warm. But when they are under running warm tap water, my fingers are bit painful and have a feeling of electric current. This was when I could do dishes under hot water and had to switch to normal cold water. It was then I realised that something funny happening on my fingers. But I do try to keep my hands active but good to know that you are doing well. My oncologist told me that everyone gets a different neuropathy when I described mine to him. x
Agree with the others - a personal choice, but please do talk it through with your oncologist and CNS so they can add it into their letter to your GP and maybe refer you to physio/occupational health if needed. My CIPN is still in my hands and feet after my chemos in 2011 & 2013. Agree about no strength in hands and arms, pins & needles, numbness, coldness, dropping things etc. but am still alive!
Ovacome had a session on Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) just over a week ago with Mary Tanay, a specialist nurse doing her PhD in CIPN. I've just checked Ovacomes webinar page (ovacome.org.uk/webinar-reco... to see if the video of her session has been finalised yet and uploaded but not so far. It can take 3 or 4 weeks so maybe keep an eye open?
Ck w cbemist as there are homeopathic granules and ampoules that help you csn also research glutamine. Are you wearing iced gloves and sox?
I had used ice gel socks when getting Taxol. I bought 2 pairs and used one pair on my hands and the other on my feet. I had minimal fleeting neuropathy that completely resolved. They sell them on Amazon. May be worth a try if you decide to continue. Such difficult decisions we must make. Best wishes, Nadie
My daughter's friend also went thru chemo and recommended L-Glutamine which helped her immensely. I tried it and it definitely helped me with the neuropathy. I got the Jarrow Formula and was easily able to get it on Amazon. Just add to any flavored drink and chug it down. It's an amino acid which is found naturally in the body and also helps with intestines and immune system. Good luck!