Hi ladies
Even though this is my first post I have been on this forum since my mum was diagnosed with OC in Nov 2017 and you have no idea how helpful you have all been!!! I am actually a GP but have learnt more about the realities of OC through this forum than I ever did at medical school. 😊
My mum was stage 3c and responded well initially to chemo and debulking surgery. She was declared NED in April 2018 but her CA125 starting creeping up and some active peritoneal nodules were found on her PET scan last month.
Her oncologist wants to give intraperitoneal chemo and she had a port/catheter fitted last week. She is due to start next week but from what the oncologist said it’s going to be a very unpleasant experience. Has anyone had any experience with this? Is it really as bad as my mum expects it to be?
Really appreciate any first hand experience advice.
Thanks so much.