Hot Flushes: I have recently been diagnosed with... - My Ovacome

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Hot Flushes

Ivebeenthiswaybefore profile image

I have recently been diagnosed with stage 3 Ovarian cancer, having been admitted to hospital with bilateral blood clots on my lungs in October.

I had been on HRT for approx 18yrs prior to this following a Hysterectomy when 39yrs old , and this was stopped immediately.

I am now suffering the most horrendous hot flushes day and night, there seems to be no let up at all. I started Chemo 6 days ago and I am finding it really hard, has anyone got any advice they could give me to help?

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Ivebeenthiswaybefore profile image
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21 Replies
Lovedogs41 profile image

Hi there,I have found taking a 25% cbd oil helps with my hot flushes,it hasnt stopped them completely but I find I dont have as many.Have also heard that a sage supplement can help.xx

Ivebeenthiswaybefore profile image
Ivebeenthiswaybefore in reply to Lovedogs41

Hi, thanks for the tip, will look into further. Glad its helped you with the hot flushes, and you dont have so many.Sending my best wishes😺

JayGeeCee profile image

I’d like to say it improves, but I’m afraid that 2/12 years after finishing chemo I’m still in the same situation you describe. I too had hrt for many years prior to my diagnosis.

There is no support either, my oncologist just says you cannot have hrt again and that’s it.

I cannot remember when I last slept for more than 2 hours. Living in sw France summers are generally hot.... I cannot be in the sun for any length of time so it’s a bit tricky at times.

In the past I’ve tried all kind of homeopathic remedies to no avail.

On the plus side I’m still here🙂

Sending cool thoughts 🥶


Ivebeenthiswaybefore profile image
Ivebeenthiswaybefore in reply to JayGeeCee

Hi JoySorry to hear that you are experiencing horrendous hot flushes too. I will have a word with my Oncology consultant, but like you say I expect I will hear the same reply.

Who would if thought that in this day and age we are told basically to just get on with it!!!

Sending you my best wishes😺

Mitch19 profile image

Hi, this is my first time posting on this site. I had a surgical hysterectomy on 16th June and wasn't prepared for these hot flushes. I find that a doggy cool mat helps during the night. I bought it from the range. My GP and surgeon couldn't give me any advice of what to take, which in this day and age I find really strange. I spoke to a lovely lady in Holland and Barrett who recommended soy milk, my cancer nurse said that it was OK for me to use. I have a pint before bedtime. Also had my first auricular acupuncture session on Wed 25th and since then the flushes havent been as severe. Next session on 2nd Dec. Don't know if it is all in my mind but it definitely feels like it is working. Speak to your cancer nurse to see if you can have a referral for holistic therapy. Wishing you well xx

Ivebeenthiswaybefore profile image
Ivebeenthiswaybefore in reply to Mitch19

Hi, sorry yo hear that you are experiencing hot flushes too. I had a hysterectomy age 39yrs, and was put on HRT a few years later. The hot flushes I experienced then were only at night, but this is far worse, now occur day and night. When they took me off it, I was expecting to have some mild symptoms , how wrong I was😳

When I feel well enough to venture out, I will head out to H&B and see if there is anything they can recommend I take to help. Soya seems like a good bet to try first.

Sending you my best wishes 😺

Broader profile image

My PE’s have now resolved first found in September so didn’t take too long.I had been through the menopause but was put on Letrozole as a maintenance which caused a second menopause!! Hot flushes are the worst !! I have a fan next to my sofa and bed that I switch on as soon as I feel the heat creeping up my chest and neck, it doesn’t stop it but it helps somewhat.

Letrozole didn’t work so I’m off that now and just waiting for the flushes to subside.

I feel for you, they are the pits.

Hope your treatment goes well and you get excellent results. Stay strong

Christine x

Ivebeenthiswaybefore profile image
Ivebeenthiswaybefore in reply to Broader

Yes they are the pits Christine, I hope you find something that will help you very soon.Its hard at times, but I'm trying....😺

patricia54053 profile image

Hi my hot flushes usually start at night, I got a snow pillow of amazon, such a difference its made, I sleep great now. Its cool to touch, would be lost without it

Ivebeenthiswaybefore profile image
Ivebeenthiswaybefore in reply to patricia54053

Hi, will take a look, anything to help 😺

Broader profile image
Broader in reply to patricia54053

Oh I will have to try one of those, I must turn my pillow over half a dozen times a night 🥰

Cropcrop profile image

The hot flushes are awful, Red sage can help as can black cohosh but as with anything else ask your medical team before you take anything especially while on chemo. I don’t think there are any long term remedies.

If it’s any comfort at all the flushes do lessen in their intensity but it takes time, I’d already done the menopause before diagnosis and then had the full surgery so removal of my ovaries brought another milder one on, oh the joy 😬 but the flushes are now very few and very far apart, I don’t think they ever stop completely, well mine haven’t, it’s over 10 years since the ‘natural’ menopause and over 6 years since surgery and I get the odd slight one from time to time, mostly in bed.

I hope your symptoms lessen in time and you find a way to relieve your symptoms. ❤️Xx Jane

Ivebeenthiswaybefore profile image
Ivebeenthiswaybefore in reply to Cropcrop

Hi, yes going to ask my medical team to see if they can suggest something.I really thought that the hot flushes wouldnt be as intense as this, as have been on HRT 18yrs following a hysterectomy

Will be worse after my op following these 3 sessions of chemo, so definately have to try and find something that helps😺

Fahoona profile image

Hello. I feel for you so much, they are truly awful. I have not had my uterus or ovaries removed as I presented with metastatic spread in my chest which secondary pathology confirmed high grade serous stage 4b. They never found any disease in my pelvis at all. All that to say, when my oncologist at MDAnderson took me off my HRT the hot flushes soon became horrendous, two to three every hour. He started me on Citalopram (an antidepressant) which for some reason research has shown to limit hot flushes. The difference has been striking. I now have 2-3 a day instead on an hour. I’m not sure where you live but it might be an idea to suggest your oncologist looks into this for you. I hope this helps and I really hope you get some relief soon.

Best, Fiona

Ivebeenthiswaybefore profile image
Ivebeenthiswaybefore in reply to Fahoona

Hi FionaI think im going to ask my oncologist if there is anything they can give me to help.

After my hysterectomy age 39yrs, I started to get the most horrendous night sweats. Went onto HRT which controlled them. Thought when I came of it this time they would be so bad as 18yrs ago now. How wrong I was!!! I have never had daytime sweats before they are horrendous. I'm dreading my op after finishing these 3 sessions of chemo, as I can only see it getting alot worse. I think I might mention Citalopram to him, anything is worth a try.

Wishing you all the best😺

LesleyGB profile image
LesleyGB in reply to Ivebeenthiswaybefore

Hi...Hot flushes are horrible - lucky I am okay but when I took myself off HRT they came back so I took soya isoflavones which definitely helped. I got them online from Healthspan...they gave me very helpful - this was some years before my diagnosis. X

delia2 profile image

Hi. I also was on HRT for twenty years before my diagnosable was overwhelmed with hot flushes. But over the past two years they have decreased in frequency and intensity or I’ve just gotten used to them. In the spring I kept thinking I had Covid because I felt like I had a fever from the hot flushes but it was never a fever. I probably have four or five a day now. Good luck!

Superkim profile image

Black Cohosh helped me a lot with hot flashes. Also, whenever I felt them coming on, if I took a couple sips of cold water, I could lessen the intensity.

Ivebeenthiswaybefore profile image
Ivebeenthiswaybefore in reply to Superkim

I will ask my consultant if I can try it, as some drugs and chemo you are not allowed to take it😺

HJF123 profile image

I can fully sympathise having had a hysterectomy aged 36 and being diagnosed with stage 3c ovarian cancer in August. I stopped the HRT immediately and have since had debulking surgery, the result of which is the most awful hot flashes. I have been prescribed Letrozole but haven't started taking it just yet, as the thought of making the menopausal symptoms worse is too much to deal with at the moment. The oncologist mentioned acupuncture, so will try this once I can drive again. Some of the other comments look super helpful too. Sending you much strength xx

Ivebeenthiswaybefore profile image
Ivebeenthiswaybefore in reply to HJF123

Hi, stopping HRT straight away is a certainly a shock to the system.My surgery will be after I finish these x3 sessions of Chemo, last one January next year. Then 3 more after the surgery. I honestly thought that being on HRT so long it wouldnt have been so bad, how wrong I was!!!

I've also developed burning mouth syndrome from stopping it too,which is very painful.

Wishing you all the best😺

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