2 years ago and today. I won’t say it’s been easy but I’m still here and grateful for every single day I have. Here to many more!!
2 years on ...... : 2 years ago and today. I won... - My Ovacome
2 years on ......

WOW! Look at the difference in both pictures Thank you for posting your pictures Eriksendi. It’s given me hope you can survive this dreadful Cancer for many years. I haven’t been given a diagnosis yet. Awaiting CT scan results. I have cysts on both Ovaries and my CA125 is 157. Being in limbo is not good.
Waiting for diagnosis is hard. My ca 125 was 1261 when I was diagnosed! If it is oc, and let’s hope it’s not, the treatment can be tough but you will come out the other end. Keep us all updated x
Hello Diane,
So good to see you happy with your Lottie!
I wish everyone could have a recovery dog!
My daughter came to our rescue when I was too ill to walk our pup, and husband too busy with covering for me in our business. She walks the dog now everyday, but as soon as I feel recovered enough, I am out there with her.
Walking the dog is great exercise.
And of course, their cute appearance, big eyes and loving dispositions are very healing.
Best wishes,
Well done , you look so well . Gives us all hope that we can come out the other side . Thank you for posting. Xx
Many, many more! ❤️
Here’s to many more good days xx
You look brill. Thanks for posting. Cheers us all up! Gwen Xx
Hear hear!! Lovely photos. Envy you having your beloved dog (dogs?) - a never ending source of love. Great that you've posted. It will encourage our 'Newbies'. Love, Solange 😊
Have you managed any time away in your caravan this year? We recently had 10 days away, in the beautiful weather over the bank holiday weekend. It will give me something to focus on as going in for stoma reversal soon. Not my choice, but it’s not working due to a hernia, so it’s got to be done x x
Hello Di. Yes, we've managed to get just over a week away to a farm field in Canterbury in June. Lovely rest and lovely weather. Then we also managed nine nights away over the last Bank Holiday. Had to cancel the original booking as, out of the blue, I had the most incredible pain in my left shoulder blade and into my spine and could barely move. Never did find out exactly what the problem was. My GP said he couldn't hear much in my chest but gave me strong anti biotics as I had a high fever. I have cancer in the chest wall and also cancer in my chest bones so he thought it was all connected. He also doubled the strong tablets I was already on and said take them three times a day instead of twice and doubled the strength of my pain patch. Morphine doesn't touch my pain so I'm on a strong medication for neurological pain. I was really bad for three days so we cancelled our trip but when I then felt better we luckily managed to get a booking somewhere else. I decided it would be far better to be away to recover, with less to do. Hubby was a bit worried but we were only thirty five miles away from home. Only thing is, I'm a real zombie, now, and also have awollen legs. Waiting for the result of an MRI scan.
I'm so pleased you had a nice long break. I do hope your op goes well and it helps you a lot. Fingers crossed for you. Lots of love xxxx