Hi everyone, it’s been 5 years since my diagnosis of stage 3a ovarian cancer. I really didn’t expect to be posting this, but here I am , one of the lucky ones! No recurrence as yet 🤞 I don’t post much myself, but I am always on here reading other’s posts. I’ve attached this photo of myself and two amazing ladies I follow on Instagram, who were also given a stage 3 diagnosis, one in 2018 the other 2020. It was fantastic to meet them yesterday and hear their stories. They do an amazing job spreading the word and fundraising. If anyone wants to give them a follow they are ovarian cancer girl ( all one word) and Julia Monaghan . Julia also comes under the name I carry the word for women ( also one word ) and she makes these amazing bags for £20 in a Frida Kahlo design and they come with leaflets giving you all the symptoms of ovarian cancer and how to buy one of her bags. I’ve brought them for friends and they loved them! I take mine everywhere and they make such a talking point, they really do spread the word. Such a brilliant idea. If anyone remembers me I’d love to hear from you, love and hugs Lesley x
5 years on : Hi everyone, it’s been 5 years since... - My Ovacome
5 years on

Fantastic news Lesley 5 years although lm not far behind you but its most certainly what we all need to know to keep us positive. Mines stage 3 serious but what that actually means l dont know. But keep being healthy and happy really great photo of you all were survivors hopefullyGod bless you all . And ld gladly buy a bag. God bless love & hugs SheilaFxxx
I was serous too! Hopefully we can give hope to others ❤️ I noticed you had lymph nodes spread , so did I , they didn’t tell me I couldn’t be cured ?
Your right there its what we all need positivity. Were all different so don't take it that you can't be cured but l was shocked when told I couldnt. But carbo/taxol so fars done the job for me . Although lm having trouble with a hernia which the critical nurse says they'd be reluctant because of risks its pressing on my small bowel which is blocking because of it
The nurse said she'd ask my consultant if they'd be able do anything .Anyone else had this problem, not that l really want anymore surgery lve got enough scars. But l also dont want to have bowel problems either. So ld have whatever it takes to get me right. Not heard from Christie's as yet. Lesley lm one of those people that need to know the true details so l can deal with it. I believe the more knowledge we have the better. This us why l think this site is invaluable with all the experiences we all have and advice gives us all hope . Your looking fantastic Lesley l gather your the one in the middle, but you all look great anyway. We can do this can't we together. Love to all SheilaFxxx
Hi SheliaWanted to give you a shout out I had robotic hernia repair surgery this past week I’m on day 4 he removed 3 and one was quite large I came home the same day I won’t lie pretty sore not a walk in the park but I’m going up and down stairs the abdominal binder is a Godsend the surgeon said I would hate him the first week but I’m glad I went ahead with the surgery 6-8 week recovery most of that is lifting restrictions he found no scar tissue that had to be removed and used absorbable mesh.
That sounds amazing. I am seeing a surgeon tomorrow and hoping he can help me. My hernia is about 7m x 13 cm now....and getting bigger all the time
A couple of weeks before my surgery after I would eat my upper tummy under my breasts started bloating and if I pressed on it I could hear ocean waves of course the first thing you think of is OC but low and behold there was a 6” hernia that didn’t show up on the scan whew! He removed 9” of hernia’s total I’m not sure if I mentioned I didn’t go with my first opinion she wanted to reopen my 7” scar went with the 2nd surgeon doing it robotically smarts like heck but I only have 3 small incisions plus he used glue to seal them no stitches or staples. Please let me know how your consultation goes good luck!
Thanks so much, your through the worse hopefully just a matter of resting and actually doing as you told to get better.Im sure someone could repair it for me even though l have lots of complications. Hoping hospital gets back to me this week.l will ring them if they don't. Get well very soon sending love & gentle hugs SheilaFxxx
Fabulous, fabulous and fabulous! Keep smiling and long may it continue xxxxx
Congrats wonderful news! Love the bags I’m in the states or I would scoop one up! Your all an inspiration I was diagnosed last year 3B low grade endometroid had successful debulking 6 adjuvant chemo finished October 2021. Did you take any maintenance drugs during the 5 years?
I was diagnosed with 3b low grade endometrial back in 2015. Had surgery followed by chemo. Also on medication for thyroid operation over 35 years ago. Trying to keep healthy and fit.
Fantastic your doing brilliant, and long may it continue, hopefully we can give some inspiration to the newbies. I remember being so shell shocked when first told. But like l keep saying there can be light at the end of the tunnel its just finding it. Love & hugs Sheila fxxx
Let's hope so. I forgot to add I also have portal hypertension of the liver and is not down to drinking. I just thought I have to get on with it all. Best wishes to you too. X
Hi Pishi1,We have the same diagnoses glad you’re doing so well! Did you go on any maintenance drugs after chemo? Sounds like no re-occurrence I also have been on Thyroid meds for over 35 years pretty much controlled strangely right before I got diagnosed it was really off.
Hi, no only carvidilol for portal hypertension. That is so strange about the thyroid. I had a partial removal of my thyroid when I was 22. Am on levo thyroxine for life but is ok. Go for Yearly blood tests. I have heard that people who have thyroid problems can develop ovarian cancer. Who knows really. I hope you are ok too. How are you managing?
I know found it very odd I never knew the OC thyroid connection but gotta love those hormones ugh! I’m doing really good debulking last April no lymph node involvement did. 6 adjuvant Carbo/taxol last one in October CA125 at start 4300 currently hanging around 6 CT Scan clear see the Onc/Gyno every 3 months, Onc every 6 months no maintenance pill all genetic testing negative had hernia repair surgery last week a nice little gift from the hysterectomy surgery I feel very blessed your journey gives me hope thanks a bunch
Congratulations Lesley, such good news. The bags are such a good idea. Hope to see you on here for many years to come. Best wishes, Zena x
Fantastic, ladies! How do I buy a bag? Xx
Wonderful News xx
Great news!and how do we order those great bags?
Congratulations 🍾 well done. It’s great to hear good news and I love the photo!
Such fabulous news. You look amazing as do your two friends. I really think it’s important to share the positive news. Others do need to hear this.
I too was diagnosed 3a/b in March 2016.
I am now signed off completely. I’ve had no recurrence.
I have issues with bowels but nothing I can’t deal with.

That’s fantastic news 🙌
Fantastic news ! The bags seem such a good idea xx best wishes from another Lesley
Long may it continue🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🎉