Its now 10 years since I was diagnosed and only given 25% chance of living to 5 years and here I am! I have just finished fifth round chemo of weekly taxol and had very good results with CA125 gone down from 1200 to 20 and tumours reduced significantly to less than half their previous size. i managed fairly well on the regime apart from hair loss, blood in my nose and extra catarrh and towards the end some neuropathy in my fingertips and my nails look a bit of a mess but seem to be growing out OK. So I'm looking forward to a good summer with my lovely grandaughter Lily, a cruise and lots of fun times i hope. I'm also pleased to report that I did the race for life on sunday in glorious sunshine and have raised nearly £700. It hasn't been an easy road but between treatments I've been fit and well and these years really do feel very precious. Love to all Francesca x
ten years on: Its now 10 years since I was... - My Ovacome
ten years on

That's lovely news Francesca, so pleased for you. Well done for doing the race for life and I'm sure you are going to have a wonderful summer.
And thank you for posting that lovely photo. A great start to the day.
Love Mary xx
That's just what i needed to hear this morning! An uplifting post, and have a lovely summer ! Xx
Wowsers ! What a fab story , well done you. Have a great cruise, dy
That is lovely news Francesca.Enjoy the summer and the cruise!
Anne x
That's fantastic Francesca, well done on completing your treatment and the race for life, and have a well deserved cruise- by the way Lily is absolutely gorgeous!
Well done Fanncesca. You are doing really well. Long may it continue. Enjoy your summer with your beautiful granddaughter xxx
Such a little cutie I'm delighted you're in such a good place and sharing that positivity and hope with everyone xxx congrats on the race for life too x Trish
Dear Francesca
Thank you for sharing your news and such a beautiful photograph; it is really encouraging to hear stories like yours. Have a great summer!
Love Millie xx
Such a lovely post, gives so much hope to those suffering with OC. Long may you enjoy your fun time, your cruises and your granddaughter - she is gorgeous xxxx
Thank you for this lovely update, Francesca. It gives me a lot of hope since I have been in remission for 20 months now and am enjoying every moment of being fit and well. I am looking forward to my son's wedding in August and then a cruise to Hawaii in September with my husband.
Enjoy your lovely granddaughter, the cruise and life. Live each day to the fullest because as you know one has to make the most of these special moments. The picture of your lovely granddaughter has certainly warmed my heart. What a cutie!!
Lots of love, Samixa X X
Truly wonderful and encouraging news Francesca!
Big congrats on doing the Race for Life and for raising such an amount. Have a wonderful summer with the gorgeous Lily and enjoy the cruise! Love Libby xx
Congratulations on reaching such a fantastic milestone! Enjoy time with your beautiful granddaughter and enjoy your cruise.
That's good news Francesca. Love the photo. I hope the cruise is a wonderful experience.
Zannah x
Lovely to read such positive news, enjoy the summer xx
Francesca, congratulations for your good results with chemo and for your granddaughter. She's so cute!
Hugs, Fernanda
Fab to hear of your news, 10 years is certainly something to celebrate!!! And I just adore the picture. Love Bx
Wonderful news, so pleased to read your post. Vxxx
Wonderful news x your grand daughter is beautiful what a joy x hope you have a wonderful holiday . Well done in raising so much money . Thanks for posting it is good to hear positive stories and encouragement . This disease can be managed x
Ally xx
She's adorable and I am so pleased to hear your good news and it was lovely to finally met you yesterday
That has been such an uplifting post and what a beautiful grandchild, thank you so much for posting.
Love Wendy x
What a fantastic and uplifting post. I think you're amazing to do the Race for Life alongside having your fifth round of chemo. Thanks so much for sharing a photo of Lily who looks adorable. Enjoy the summer, the fun and your cruise. Your post has made me very happy today. xx
What a wonderful post Francesca! It's a gorgeous sunny day here today and you've just made it sunnier! I did the race for life last year a few weeks after finishing chemo and was chuffed to bits to manage to run it all without stopping. I ran in my 'Dorothy' costume (because I could :-D) thinking okay this is fine as people get dressed up but forgetting that they tend to be dressed head to toe in pink! So I kind of stood out a bit with no hair and a blue gingham dress hee hee - i got plenty of cheers though!! I've just signed up for this year's race in July but not decided what to wear yet. Here's to many more years of 'race for life' for all of us.
Wonderful post ...terrific to read something so positive ! Xx enjoy it all x
Thanks for letting us know it's good to know that all this treatment can work. enjoy the cruise and your grandaughter. I have one called Lily who's 5.
That's wonderful Francesca. It's always uplifting to hear from people like yourself who are beating the odds. It gives us all hope, thank you for sharing. Lily is beautiful and you enjoy your summer - I intend too lol!
Annette xxx
Oh this is a lovely post Francesca. Lily is absolutely adorable. Its so lovely being a granny. I hope I have as good an outcome as you. I am coming up to one year since diagnosis, 12 June 2013 was my surgery date and I was given the news the following day. I feel so blessed to have reached this milestone and pray I will achieve many more. Enjoy your granddaughter. Wishing you many more years of happy family life too. Love Ann xo
Lovely meeting you in Manchester Francesca, thanks for the good news and pic of Lily she is beautiful love x G x
Hi Francesca
I was feeling a bit down today (something about Mondays, family back at work leaves me home alone with too much time on my hands to think!).
Your post really cheered me up and lifted my spirits, thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
May you continue to enjoy life and stay well for many years!
Love Brenda x
Hi Brenda, I am glad you were able to feel better today. I know how easy it is to get down at times and all we can do is make the most of the good times really so lets hope the sun shines tomorrow - although weather forecast here in north west says otherwise! maybe I'll go swimming instead.
love Francesca x
Fantastic news Francesca..congratulations on the 10yr milestone. You are an inspiration. Xxxxx