Partial Bowel Blockage : Hello Ladies, I have... - My Ovacome

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Partial Bowel Blockage

27 Replies

Hello Ladies, I have been on a low residue diet for months, as soon as I try to eat high fibre (coleslaw latest culprit) I end up in difficulty, still able to go but with great pelvic pain. I was just wondering what symptoms presented themselves if you had a partial bowel blockage. I have read that abdominal surgery increases the risks of this type of blockage, hernia's or scar tissue. But with my rising CA125 I am more concerned than I would be normally. Low residue seems to be helping, but can't get rid of the feeling "I need to go" sorry if this is too graphic for you! 🤢

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27 Replies
delia2 profile image

Hi Lynn. I have no insight—just want to say I hope the CA 125 is nothing—maybe it’s caused by bowel inflammation? I assume you’ve told your doctors about it? It’s good you’re managing with diet but the pain sounds terrible! I’m keeping fingers crossed that it’s not cancer and can be managed.

in reply to delia2

Thank you Delia - The docs have put me on Watch and wait as nothing showed up on the CTscan, every twitch is cancer at the moment. If this pain continues I will go and see my GP, sadly she misdiagnosed me a year ago, so my confidence in her diagnostic skills is a little lacking.

Katmal-UK profile image
Katmal-UK in reply to

Hi Lyn Given your GP's previous misdiagnosis I wouldn't even contemplate going to see her, to be honest if I thought for one min my cancer was back I'd head straight to my oncologist. They are the experts and what they are there for. Hopefully the rising CA125 isn't a sign of recurrence (know what you mean about every twitch being a cancer!|). Big Hug. Kathy xx

in reply to Katmal-UK

Hi Kathy - Thank you. I think most of the problem is over indulging on holiday, it was so easy to forget bowels and cancer. If it continues I will ask for an appointment with my Oncology team, hoping it doesn't come to that though. 🤞

Katmal-UK profile image
Katmal-UK in reply to

Hopefully it won't and things will settle down! xx

delia2 profile image
delia2 in reply to

I had the same experience with my GP and wouldn't go there either. I am the same with twitches! I have an appointment for check up with oncologist next week and that makes me hyper-focused on every new pain or change. Get it checked out by your oncologist! xo

ARamage profile image
ARamage in reply to delia2

My Oncologist told me that the tightness I feel and also the difficulty in this area is the result of scar tissue, which can be painful. But like the others advised, I would go back to your Oncologist. My GP did not catch my cancer in the beginning (she had plenty of opportunities); and before I knew it, I was at Stage 2. My Oncologist did tell me that CA125 can be a reflection of inflammation and anything else that is going on in your body. I will have another six month full scan in a couple of weeks, and I'm good with that! I want the Oncologist to "watch me like a hawk!" Wishing you the best.

Irisisme profile image

Hi Lyn,

I found your post very worrying. Did you have surgery? Was there any seeding seen? They may refer to miliary disease or even refer to it as metastasis. I ask because I did - all along and around my bowel. Twice this has been thought to be the cause of partial bowel blockages but has not shown up on a CT scan and CA125 remains 8 or 9.

My Oncologist relied on the findings of the surgeon and my symptoms (persistent abdominal pain mostly), NOT scan or blood test, and started 2nd line chemo. This put a stop to the abdo pain and I haven’t been hospitalised with bowel problems since (8 months now).

My symptoms were severe pain and, after about an hour, I started vomiting. I had passed a little that day but that was probably just fluid finding a way around the blockage. It never was a case of going days without passing a motion. Once it was a portion of beans that I am sure was the culprit, needing an A & E visit for intravenous anti-emetics, analgesics and LOTS of laxatives, but no surgery needed thankfully.

I am now able to eat a reasonable diet but I still avoid pulses.

I think perhaps you should see your Oncologist urgently and consider asking about seeding and maybe for a second opinion if nothing is done. It could be adhesions but a GP can’t deal with those.

I’m sorry if this scares you but I had to tell you as you mentioned ‘watch and wait’ and that doesn’t seem right.

Good Luck and keep us posted.


Iris x

in reply to Irisisme

Hello Iris - Unfortunately the pain started two days after my last checkup so I haven't discussed it with my medical team yet, my pelvis isn't painful to push, and I can't feel any lumps or bumps. I am giving it until Monday, and if no improvement I am going to make an appointment with my Onc as something is not right. I did have the big OP, all my surgeon said was that there was microscopic bits left that might be disease or could equally be scar tissue, but he didn't say whereabouts. My last CT scan on the 28th May showed nothing in the pelvic region, and no bowel blockages, so a mystery to me. Google says it could be IBS or IBD but I don't think its either of them.

Irisisme profile image
Irisisme in reply to

Hi Lyn,

There was obviously something left, how was it put in the letter to your GP, which you should have a copy of.

It may be a lot of things, one of them being slow bowel movement (peristalsis) due to seeding around/along the bowel or adhesions. Your surgeon would know if this is a possible cause.

Iris xx

Zena41 profile image

Hi I’ve had this four episodes my dietician told me too stay away from raw veg ie coleslaw strawberries apples carrots salads anything healthy unless boiled. I found my triggers are pasta and rice.

My surgeon said it is a good cause xx

in reply to Zena41

I definitely think it was coleslaw that started the problem, such a shame I love salad and fruit. Oh well cake here I come!

Zena41 profile image
Zena41 in reply to

Yep I miss it too. I’ve just bought a juicer too try not used it yet tho x

Zena41 profile image
Zena41 in reply to

I miss nuts the most so I replace it with peanut butter and I miss onions so I have cheese an onion Chrisp.

Got to do what works for u x

in reply to Zena41

peanut butter is a good idea! I thought cooked onions were ok?

Coldethyl profile image
Coldethyl in reply to

I think everyone had own triggers - I find sometimes even the soft stuff you’re meant to eat can cause pain as they make me have thicker stools and that stretches everything - it’s trial and error and loving Ruth it as best you can x

Zena41 profile image
Zena41 in reply to

I’m not sure about that ? If u find out let me know plz.

I had a sneaky cheese and onion sarnie 😂 I was ok the onions were tiny. 🙏.

LittleSan profile image
LittleSan in reply to Zena41

Zena cheese and onion crisps are a genius idea! I desperately miss onions. Thank you.

in reply to LittleSan

they used to make Pickled onion crisps........but haven't seen them in a while.

Coldethyl profile image

I have had problems with this since January - I’ve an ileostomy which was fine for 2 yrs post surgery and I could eat anything - now I’ve developed problems from adhesions and every so often I’ll have a partial blockage or a few days of intense pain - sometimes I can pinpoint a food trigger like salad but sometimes it’s just volume of food - if I eat too much over few days things slow down and dry out so it gets harder to move through -drinking plenty is s must and small portions little and often better way to eat.

Hope you get some resolution - worth speaking to CNS and they might help get some pain relief and dietary advice x

Maxjor profile image

Hi Lyn-- I have thickening in the peritoneum which made my onc worry about a blockage and what you describe is what I go through through since the thickening, but I do not have a blockage. So I can't help you with the symptoms specifically of a blockage but it sounds like it might be something else. I agree with others that perhaps your oncologist is a better bet to find out why the pain when you go. Good luck! oxox

in reply to Maxjor

The low residue diet is working and the pain has gone. Think I am just going to have to be very careful diet wise for the rest of my natural..........recently read that ice cream is ok, I am can be very cruel! xx

Maxjor profile image
Maxjor in reply to

Sugar free ice cream is out there Lyn!! So glad it resolved. And glad I have an expert here should that happen to me (doesn't everything eventually happen to us?!) oxoxox Find that sugar free ice cream (if allowed!)

Coldethyl profile image
Coldethyl in reply to

I’m diabetic too so the beige low residue diet isn’t really on the table for me - I’m trying to fit down meal size and eat little more frequently as volume affects me - I’m having assessment with physio tomorrow who specialises in adhesions as up to now I’ve more or less just been told to live on pain meds when it strikes ! Glad you are getting some relief x

in reply to Coldethyl

I was told that pain meds can cause constipation, good luck with the physio.

Coldethyl profile image
Coldethyl in reply to

They do - it’s a tightrope - at least with ileostomy stuff hasn’t as far to travel ! I know I’d no choice but to have surgery but just wish I’d been better informed about the life changing nature of adhesions x

in reply to Coldethyl

I feel exactly the same, my surgeon never once mentioned adhesions or scar tissue before my op. I suppose we just have to learn to manage as best we can. X

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