Hello Lovely ladies
Thanks for all your advice on cysts, surgeries and weekly paclitaxel. I am still in the middle of it what looks like a right old mess. Second opinion is very hard as to an outsider my case is impossible- 'old age pensioner' (just had my 69 birthday), 2 chemos and heart condition. So the last one I had to explain a lot as it was too much for the GP with whom I only had 5 min tel consultation. So my GP passed the reply on to me and I contacted the surgeon direct. I did get some advise on cysts via email. However I do think that in my case probably I need to go for private consultation and then hope to go for NHS again.
Meanwhile, my cyst seems to be shrinking - good news as I am due to see my hospital surgeon on Wednesday to talk about surgery.
I found out that the weekly paclitaxel that the hospital suggested is no good for me as I am neutropenic - low white blood cells, so I would need to inject after a blood test and then at least wait a couple of days again - there won't be enough days in the week...
I actually found potentially another chemo that for me is very interesting but I don't know anything about it. Has anyone taken docetaxel? And what where the effects? And do you take it on its own or with something else? It seems that a clinical trial was done in vitro with docetaxel and curcumin which showed that the tumor was shrinking more with curcumin added. And as I am taking curcumin to control my multiple myeloma, that might work to get my ca125 down - although it is not that high 37.
Thanks everone as always