Still the same view, inoperable and incurable. Now terminal with 12 - 18 months. Soft tissue ewing sarcoma in my colon with mets to the peritoneum and one on my bladder. Going to do chemo again in Jan to hold them back and give me more time. Has any one used the COC protocol? Any thoughts? Success's? Not giving up the fight, never will. I have 2 young kids who need me. Also on high thc cannabis oil and the alkaline diet.
Had a 2nd Opinion at the Christie, still the sa... - My Ovacome
Had a 2nd Opinion at the Christie, still the same response. Has any one used COC protocol?

I’m so sorry to hear that they had nothing new to offer.
In answer to your question, yes I have taken COC protocol since frontline chemo, I’m currently up to 21 months remission. I really buy into the science. The drugs are very well researched and well tolerated. I’d say go for it, I really could help
Hugs Marian xx

Thank you for your response and fab on your remission. Is it expensive to buy? Did you go through the one on google or a sight on fb? Xx
You pay for your consultations and the drugs are about £50 for 3 months supply. Xx

Thank you. I've sent an enquiry on their website and got Jane's book 'how to starve cancer' xx

Sorry for all the questions. But how much are the consultations? Xx
I am also on COC protocol, but so far it doesn’t seem to be doing much for me. It’s worth a try though. All in all a years consultations and drugs come to about £1000. It’s spread out ... the initial consultation is £400 and 3 months of drugs around £75. Then follow up consultations are £200, you have one every 3 months. After the first prescription you can ask your GP to prescribe the drugs to save a bit of money. Hope that answers your questions. xx

Hi Marian, what’s the COC protocol?
Hi. It stands for Care Oncology Clinic. They are based in Harley Street and provide a protocol of 4 well known repurposed drugs, these drugs have anti cancer properties and they truly believe that all cancer patients should be taking them to maximise their chances.
Take a look:
Marian xx

Thank you Marian! I live in the US and checking into this! Helpful information!
Hugs! Peggy xx
Not sure if this would be of any assistance but passing it along:
Sorry they didnt have something for you. No advice re COC but just wanted to send you a hug xx
I’m sorry your second opinion didn’t give you any further options. I was on the COC protocol for about 9 months after finishing first line chemo. Unfortunately it didn’t work out for me and I had a recurrence within the year. The logic behind the drugs makes sense - maybe I was just unlucky? Good luck in finding out more from them. Vicki x
I'm really sad that you didn't get better news, but pleased that you're trying different things. I so hope the prognosis will turn out to be wrong and you'll have far longer with your kiddies than is expected. Quite a few of us on this forum have gone on far longer than than we could possibly have hoped. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Love, Solange xx😊💐
Thank you. I'm determined to live many years. Doctor's are wrong all the time and tell you how long as a guide as even they aren't sure. You're right lot's of people are given months and live for many years xx
Sorry your second opinion didn’t offer and new options. What is the alkaline diet , do you have any details please?
It's on google. Basucally cut out all refined sugar, gluten, wheat, alcohol, most meat and most dairy, no starchy foods like white potatoes. Eat mainly organic raw veg, irganic raw fruit, goats cheese, occasional organic eggs, occasional organic chicken, natural fed fish i.e. from the sea not fish farms, brown rice xx
Hi Blondie,
The Christie told me they couldn't operate. I then went for a second opinion with our lovely Prof.F at Queen Charlotte's in London and she did operate and on the NHS. Results were brill. Hope this info.helps.
Hi. A pity your news wasn’t what you hoped for. You’ll give it your best shot and who knows what may be offered in 12-18 months time. New treatment options flying off the shelves! Plan to do as much as you can of the things you enjoy. As you say these are just numbers you’ve been given but most of us beat the odds for longer than suggested. Good luck and have a lovely Christmas. X
Thank you. You too xx
I am so sorry that I have no pearls of wisdom to impart. Just to say I can,t tell you how much I hope you can start the protocol and it works. Not that it helps but my love and thoughts are with you. Chris
I also got canabis oil but Ihavn t tried it yet.Sorry to hear it may not be helping too much.Ithink it depends on the type of cancer and you have to build up to 1 gram per day as per Rick Simpsom proticol.
Don’t get too caught up in the crystal Ball crew I did and bought a cemetery plot and planned my funeral for my anticipated spring departure. At least it’s organised. I know I could leave this world any time with or without cancer but still grateful for each day, especially as currently so unwell.
I’ve heard good things about COC. If you’re on Facebook you should join the off label group lots of good info on there
LA xx
Thank you. I hope you're doing ok yourself and feel better very soon. I'm not focusing on the time scale or I'd go in sane! Determined to prove the doctor's wrong. There's so many testimonies of people living way past their use by date. The doc's do put the frightener's on you though and say it won't be years, more like month's and then say 12 - 18 months. How do they know when my time's up! They're just guessing and going by statistics. Plus they don't know what other supplements I'm taking or that I'm on cannabis oil. They could just work, along with chemo again. Going to fight it with all I've got. Given up work for now and going to enjoy myself and spend as much time as I can with my children. I don't even feel like I have cancer, feeling better than I have in years. I am a member of that fb group. To top it all off my boyfriend finished it yesterday. He hasn't got the balls to tell me the real reason and comes up with a ridiculous one. I know it's hard to he with some one with a terminal diagnosis, but if he really loved me he'd be there for me no matter what. Just be honest with me instead. I'm not written off just yet and could be here for a very long time. Take care xx